Chapter 4

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Several months had passed since the first day the suitors came for Lauren, and nothing had changed. Well, almost nothing.

Lauren always had people trying to make her laugh here and there in order to get her hand and her crown, but no one had succeeded. No one could even make her smile, however they still tried tirelessly.

Lauren had informed her parents that she wanted the suitors to come only once a week after two months of daily torture. Her parents agreed, thinking it would give the suitors more time to find their words and what they would do anything to appease their little girl.

The only thing that had definitely changed was Camila.

Her presence in Lauren's life made her heart lighter, despite the tragedy that was still there. Although she still didn't smile much, the only person who saw her smile was the little thief of flowers. Troye, Ally and Normani had teased him several times about his infatuation with the commoner and she had no desire to deny it. She had also noticed that her eyes were shining more and more. They were still dull most of the time, but after meeting the thief they still seemed a little more sparkling.

A month ago, Camila had started to stop taking flowers for food in order to give them to Lauren. She had chastised her, telling her that sacrificing her appetite to give her a flower when she could go down and get one herself was ridiculous and she wouldn't allow it. Camila had shrugged, saying, "A flower taken by your own hands is not a flower from me." So Camila took two flowers at once, one for Lauren and one for Dinah, so Lauren could no longer scold her for her malnutrition.

Each flower did not fail to make her blush, however.

Today was one of those days when Lauren did not want to have to do with the incompetence of the suitors who gathered between the walls of the castle then she had withdrawn earlier than usual pretending that she was not feeling well.

The princess had reached her room, closing her doors before changing and putting on clothes that were much more comfortable than those she had had to endure all day due to the nobles present in the castle.

Once quite presentable, she walked to the balcony at just the right time to see Camila climb up to her. "Ah! The princess does me the honor of her presence." Camila smiled while taking a seat on the other side of the balcony.

Lauren had insisted that the thief take her place on the balcony for fear that she would fall, but Camila had always refused. "And my favorite little thief continues to do me the honor of hers." Lauren replied. "That's cute, I'm your favorite!" Camila smirked, the princess rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the little smile that settled on her lips.

They continued to speak, Camila changed position in order to sit on the balcony barriers and face the sunset while the princess stood beside her against the balcony. "The sunset always makes me think of the house," said Camila in a deep voice. Lauren looked at her face more closely. Never had she seen the thief so sad since the beginning of their friendship.

Without really thinking too much, Lauren put her hand on Camila's to show her some form of comfort. "I'm sorry." she said because that was all she could say.

She didn't know what Camila was going through, but she wanted to be there for her friend. "It's not your fault." Camila smiled sadly, meeting the princess. She turned to the sunset again and sighed. "I hope you never have to live having lost your family.'' "Unfortunately I know what it is, little thief, '' she said with tears forming in her eyes.

Camila looked at the princess and turned her hand so their palms touched and their fingers were intertwined.

"You don't need to talk to me about it, you know?"

"I want to" Lauren replied.

She wiped the tears from her face. Camila patiently waited for Lauren to open up to her knowing that it was surely a difficult subject for her.

"I am the daughter of the King and Queen Jauregui" she began "but I was not the only heiress. I was the oldest of three children, my brother Chris and my sister Taylor were both younger than me. We were a happy family, there were never bad moments between us. We were so young..."

Camila watched the princess closely as the tears fell on her cheeks and Lauren did nothing to stop them this time. "One day, years ago, Chris and Taylor came out of the castle walls to go to the lake not far from here. Chris was the rebellious child, he wanted to pick up stones to give them to our father and Taylor did the same because she wanted to be like her big brother..." she said sadly, remembering her happy past.

"What happened to them?" Camila asked.

"They...We found them...floating on the water with two arrows on their backs that had pierced their hearts."
Lauren had cracked and burst into tears.

Camila quickly slid on the balcony to take Lauren in her arms so that she could cry against her. She stroked Lauren's back in circles while whispering comforting words to her. "Lauren, my dearest, I'm so sorry for what happened to you and your family." Camila spoke quickly to be sure not to scare the princess "They were the reason for your happiness, right? Why you don't smile or laugh anymore?"

Lauren nodded against Camila's chest, tears dampening the thief's coat. Camila tightened her embrace as if to tell her silently that she would continue to comfort her as long as she needed it.

Lauren pulled away gently before resuming: "We found the killers, criminals who were against the crown and who wanted to overthrow us one by one. But kill such young children..." Lauren withdrew from the embrace as new tears fell from her eyes. Camila quickly wiped the tears from Lauren's face and took it in her hands, making the princess look at her.

"I may not know them, but by the joy that they brought to you, I can say that they were good people. But I don't think that's what they'd want for you." she said looking straight into the princess's beautiful eyes "they'd be devastated to see you so sad, right?" "Sure, yes." she sniffed with a small voice.

"So I think you have to live, Lauren. Live your life, not only for yourself, but also for them. They want you to be happy, just like me." Camila honestly admitted.

Lauren only looked at her before wrapping her arms around the thief's shoulders and placing her head in the crook of her neck. "Thank you Camila. To avoid judging me and treating me with this kindness that I haven't known for years." whispered Lauren making Camila smile gently.

"Everything for you, my dear." Camila had resumed her place on the balcony gates and looked at Lauren who was wiping the last traces of tears on her face. "I don't want to sound rude" said Lauren "but you promised you'd tell me your story if I told you mine."

"When the time comes, Princess." Camila smiles sadly "too many tears have been shed today. And then I can't tell you all of my secrets already."

Lauren smiled at the thief, well rather her friend, as she lowered the climbing plants from the garden. As she walked away, she stopped to rip off a single gardenia and went back up to the balcony again. Lauren looked at her in confusion as Camila handed her the flower.

"It's my favorite flower." murmured the Princess. "I know, I often see you watching them." Camila smiled proudly then went down again, offering a wave to Lauren while leaving the gardens.

Lauren looked at the flower in her hands. She should be the one who gave it to Camila, actually. The meaning of the flowers was a very powerful message for Lauren and it would be a perfect flower to give to Camila. "Secret love." Lauren thought while retiring to her room.

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