𝟶𝟾| 𝟑𝟎-𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫-𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧

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"Wait, so tell me about this pact again." Tatum requested.

The blonde glanced between you and Randy as the three of you were seated at the water fountain in the school's courtyard — the spot your group of friends routinely gathered during lunch.

"Oh, Tate, don't get him started on this." You groaned as you lifted your head from Randy's shoulder. You'd been munching on a granola bar — peanut butter chocolate chip — while chatting about anything other than the current news.

"Hey! Our pact was a mutual agreement." Randy declared before shifting to face Tatum who sat on his right. "It's called the Breakup Pact."

"Odd name," she commented while plopping a green grape into her mouth. "But carry on."

"We all know my undying love for Sidney has gotten me nowhere due to the unfortunate existence of Billy Loomis," Randy started unceremoniously, and you snickered. "And Y/n, who has undisclosed feelings for that soulless cretin, decided that we should make a pact."

Your smile instantly fell as Randy spoke a little too loudly for your tastes. You quickly glanced around the courtyard, making sure no one else heard before relaxing.

Tatum was the only other person who knew of your little crush for Billy. You trusted her with your life; She'd take your secret to the grave before letting Sidney find out.

"If Sid and Billy are still together within a year, we'll give up on them and date each other instead," Randy said, causing you to choke on your spit.

Tatum looked downright entertained as you lifted a condemning brow. "Uh, I don't remember agreeing to that last part," you cut in, not liking where he was taking this explanation.

"Okay, I might've improvised a little but come on, Orth. At this rate, I'm gonna be a 30-year-old virgin!" Randy exclaimed.

"That's not my problem, Meeks." You dismissed curtly.

"Look at that, you guys are already bickering like an old couple." Tatum pointed out with a cheeky smile.

"Don't even say that." You warned, squinting your eyes at her playfully.

She let out an airy laugh. "No, but I actually think the first half is great."

"What're you three miscreants talking about?" A voice to your left asked. You turned your head to see Stu smiling widely at you before he maneuvered around the fountain to sit behind Tatum.

"Hey, baby." He greeted and she leaned back against his chest, giggling as he kissed her neck.

"Our pact," Randy answered mindlessly while reaching his hand over Tatum and into her bag of grapes.

"Oh?" Stu raised a brow as Randy piqued his interest.

Before Randy had a chance to explain again, you slapped a hand over his mouth as you spotted Sidney and Billy approaching the group. "Would you look at that? Here come our two very good friends!" You spoke through gritted teeth, pinning Randy with a look that told him to zip it.

"Did you guys just get out of questioning?" Tatum asked the couple once they sat down.

"Yeah," Sidney replied, looking a little out of it as she perched between Billy's legs. "They asked if I knew Casey."

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now