Chapter 13 - HBD, Stacey George!

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Alayna Summers

"Lay, what have you done?" It was Stacey, her eye brows furrowed.

We were now on the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come. I just leaned my head on the post and closed my eyes for a bit.

"Nothing. I just didn't get enough sleep during weekends." I answered lazily.

This is because of Lucas Nielsen, who kept pestering my mind with his sudden I miss you and that kiss on the forehead. I couldn't sleep properly. My heart is being weird every time I will recall that scenario.

I know for a fact there are dark circles under my eyes. This is unnecessary, Lucas should have keep those words to himself.

"Why?" Stacey enquired.

"Stace." I opened my eyes. "Have you experienced that a guy told you that he's been missing you?" I went on.

"Yes. When I was in America, I have a crush on my classmate on the 6th grade." She narrated, while I am all ears listening to her.

"And then, one time, I was absent for a week. When I attended the class again, this boy sat on my side, and whispered I miss you." Stacey said, as if recalling that exact moment in her life.

I snapped my fingers to get her attention once more.

"What did you feel?" I asked curiously at Stacey.

"Well, my heart beat is thumping crazily."

"Yes! I know that! That is exactly how it feels like!" I blurted out. Stacey was surprised by my outburst.

"Why? Who told you that?" Stacey asked, her eyes looked at me intriguingly.

"Uhm... Lucas?" I closed my eyes and covered my ears immediately.

I was waiting for a scream or what, but when I opened my eyes Stacey looked like she was stunned.

"Stacey George..." I whispered, afraid of what might happen next.

I was taken aback when she slapped my arms and started screaming.

"Ow!" I complained. I pulled her long blonde hair and shushed her. Other students were staring at us already.

"Keep calm." I scolded her in a low voice.

"I can't. I knew it, he likes you, Lay. He really does." Stacey told me and I think every students who is here, heard what she said.

I covered my face in embarrassment. I could feel the eyes of the other people and it is making my cheeks burn.

Thankful that the bus arrived, saving me from this total humiliation.

Stacey was still talking non-stop until we got into the school grounds. She is asking me every detail when Lucas and I went home together last Friday night.

"That's all, Stacey." I told her as we walked pass to the main gate of the school.

What if I told Stacey the whole story... She might scream at the top of her lungs.

"Yeah, right! You should've grabbed that chance, Lay." Once again, she squeaked in so much happiness.

"Is that her?" A girl beside me spoke. Stacey and I both turned to look, and to our surprise, the girl and her company were looking at me with a smug on their faces.

I noticed that they were holding the weekly newspaper of our campus.

"That is really her." The other girl answered.

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