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It was 3am in the morning. I missed him, and I pressed my hand on my stomach. His wife moved to be with her sister in Hollywood since the divorce. I'm just glad now I have an automatic cat food bowl so I dont have to keep refilling it. We have so many pets, gabby and i have. After Gabby won a fight with Peeping Tom, I couldn't help but see how amazing she was. She truly is the coolest person I know.

I texted Him, my love and asked if he wanted to come over. He didnt respond, but it was 3 in the morning so it made sense why he didnt. Gabby has a hard time getting to bed now. She mingles in my room as I try to sleep. "Go to bed Gabby" and I fell asleep.

"hey do you want to go out for breakfast?" Two missed calls and a text. I had over slept to much to go on that date. I had to rush to work.

I was scrolling the Gram when I saw a raccoon for sale. I sent it to gabby.
Gabby:I dont like raccoons but if you want it
Sav:nah because youd be the one taking care of it
Gabby: Borjin just showed up to the house
Sav: how do you know what he looks like
Gab: I've seen the pics hes sent you. He just ran to your room and is crying wtf
Sav: idk just help him or something
Gab: like how idk man what to do and he wont give me money.

I got promoted. 56 bucks in my pocket an hour now. Too bad gabby only makes 21. She really deserves more. Maybe that's why she keeps asking BJ for money. She really needs to stop and apologize to him. We literally are moving in with him. She really needs to stop asking him for money.
Gabby: he left but guess who just arrived 😏😏😏😏😏😏🍑🍆🍌

I went back home from work. I'm just watching gabby and Man Bun hit it off in the room. Soon they disappeared and moans come from the shower. Ew gross. I hear the clucking movements of gabby get out of the shower. "Can I have some cash?" I hear gabby say in the distance.
As I post and scroll the Gram trying to get followers, gabby invites him to stay the night. Jesus gabby. You just did it with him. Man Bun agrees to staying over.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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