My Boyfriend Meets ALL of My Pets + Official Announcement (3)

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A/N: here's the last chapter of this...long supposedly one-shot chapter.

Again, if you have any fear/phobia of some animals that people often keep as pets (e.g. snakes, tarantulas, insects, etc), please look out for Jungkook's warnings because apparently, ALL of them will be in this chapter, and I don't wanna be responsible for any panic attacks.

Now, on with the video.


[The video showed a mesh enclosure.]

"This is where I keep my veiled chameleon, Leonidas. For this one, I'll just challenge you to find him in his enclosure. He is a master in camouflage and is very sneaky at hiding."

[Jungkook's hand opened the door to the enclosure

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[Jungkook's hand opened the door to the enclosure. Nobody said anything for about 30 seconds.]

"Found him yet?"


"He's right there, near the leaves at the top left."

[The camera zoomed in on the chameleon.]


"You'll be able to find him right away someday."

"How long did it take you to get used to finding him?"

"Um...about a week."


"...You seriously never cease to amaze me."

"Why, thank you, I'm also glad you still manage to hold Typhorn without getting him mad for this long."

"Well, I mean, I was able to tame you, so, I'm not actually surprised."

"...Riiight, now let's put Typhorn back to his cage before he dies from our cheesiness."

[Jungkook extended out his hand, asking for Typhorn. Taehyung handed him over without any hesitation.]

[The camera focused on Typhorn who's now on Jungkook's forearm, following him as he's being carried by Jungkook back to his enclosure.]

"Sorry about that, buddy. I'll make sure to give him a few punches before we get out--oh wait no, never mind. He still has to hold the snakes after this."


[Jungkook and Taehyung were both seen on the camera. It seems like they were sitting next to each other in the reptile room. The camera was stable. Jungkook looked excited and Taehyung looked uncomfortable.]

"And now, we're going to proceed to the snakes! For those who feel uncomfortable with snakes may skip to the time stamp that I'll put in the video."

[A time stamp showed up on the screen, along with the text: "SNAKE WARNING"]

"But for those who don't mind snakes, please stay til the end of the video, because we still have some of my other babies coming up."

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