Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 SVJ

Slithering in between the alleyways of Erebus, a city found within the heart of Mysteria. A woman in panic continues to run, although wearied. She worries for her life knowing that if she stops running away, it will swallow her heart. Tears had already flown since she ran, flashes of her dear brother's corpse rotted her rationality. Remembering the vicious grin that birth of darkness showed her, before it told her to run away.

Of course, the shadow knows the fear that this woman possesses. As it follows her in every corner she turns to, deliberately turning her into a lunatic. Once reaching a dead end, she saw the figure appearing by its shadow. Trembling and frozen in fear, she listened to its cruel words. As it got closer, it held her face. The hold turning tighter until all that woman saw was the smile it had, before she lost her final string of sanity.

A sunny feeling smiled upon the amiable and gregarious people residing within the heart of Mysteria. This one, in particular, hurried as he waved goodbyes to the other people he grew up with, his striking gold hair perked the people he passed by in recognition. They each bid him farewell for his new job at the brain of Mysteria, Atheus. The advanced and most well-known kingdom for its intelligent and helpful creations, where all living residents prosper. 

Excited for his first day at work, he arrived at the place an hour early than usual. Once there, he introduced himself at a fox with an ethereal tail and eyes. It stared at him in alarm and coldness. "Sean Vincent Jade, a new employed Mysterian!" He said, full of enthusiasm.

The fox's eyes glimmered in recognition. "But you're.." It refrained itself from letting out the words it has on its mind. And smiled. "Aurora." It said, before its tail grew large and wrapped around them both. As it did, they were surrounded by a watery substance as a glitch-like image passed by at the view they're facing. He admired the myriad image that passed as they reached a final image, to which both the watery substance and glitch-like image disappeared onwards.

"Here we are." Said the celestial fox. It is then, when he smiled towards the fox and utter a word of gratitude before moving onward. But he halt, turning around as he has one last question lingering in his mind. However, the fox was gone before he could even do so. He only sighed in, and gather the composure to keep his calm.

He has arrived at Atheus Quarantined Sleuths. Where a lot of detectives were known for their exceptional conclusion skills with heavy evidence. Sean would have never thought that he will be able to work at such a high-stake place, but bearing no negativity on such.

"New employed Mysterian?"

As someone asked him so, he tilted his head towards the voice. Meeting the eyes of someone below his shoulder-height, black-eyed and brown-haired. He nodded, a bit too enthusiastic on his reply. Giving the guy a clue that he is, in fact, a huge fanboy of such skills. However, that also meant that this guy perceived Sean Vincent as someone useless and dependent on his fellows. Losing respect, he gave Sean the look.

To which Sean didn't understand well enough.

"Well, sorry to burst your little imaginative bubble but we have a case to solve. I believe your name is Sean Vincent? Out from the west eastern side of Mysteria, I suppose? Given the glimmer in your innocent visage, normal human?" The guy concluded. Of course, as an obvious fanboy, he squealed inwarly and nodded furiously. A bright grin on his lips. The guy only glared at him in a subtle way, before smirking. "Follow me." He chimed as he says so.

They walked through the corridors of nara wood. For such a known place, this place is attracted to nature things. As such on their mugs, tablewares, electrical belongings, many more that Sean wonders how they're able to come up with such ways to activate electricity on it.

Arriving at one door in particular, the guy halted. Although, Sean is too mesmerized to notice so the guy grappled his arm quickly and glared at Sean so harshly that even he felt it without looking at the guy. He looked at where they stopped, and there was a sign written in calligraphy. "OMNISCIENT SLEUTH"

Sean had only one thought as the guy opened the door, and that is he will finally meet his idol that he admired so much since he was young. For this man, named Benjamin Tremor, was the only one who managed to solve the enigma behind the Ripper case for almost 16 years. The Ripper case gave the citizens great havoc and panic, to the point of some losing their own sanity and killed their own family. Sean was only 8 years old when Benjamin solved the case, and now he is aged 19 years.

Opening the door, the man spun his chair around. A carefree expression, chocolate eyes, dark golden hair, this is Benjamin Tremor. The one person that everyone dismissed as an ill one, not believing in his powers.

In nervousness or excitement or perhaps something else, Sean yelled; "I am fan of your service!"

Benjamin paused at his movements, so did the guy but this one was in shock. Sean looked at the ground in embarrassment, his idol is someone he finally met but made a huge idiotic impression on him. Blinking twice as fast, he felt more nervous as Ben's face turned more and more serious. Then, finally setting the silence out the window, he laughed out loud. To the point where tears brimmed at his eyes and his face is red from doing so.

When he calmed down for a few minutia, and those few minutes did the guy glared at Sean, he looked at him. A smile of amusement perked the attention of the guy and Sean himself. "Well, well, we got an interesting one here, eh?" He asked, chuckling. But the smile drift away as he looked at Sean coldly, giving an ambience of authority within the room originating from Benjamin. "However, interesting should be different from being useless. Tell me, what will benefit us if we let you in on the case on-the-solve?" He asked.

Sean, his nervousness and excitement gone, answered; "It will depend on your view of me at the case." The boss cocked a brow. "You mean you're uncertain of your own skills, if you have them?" He asked. "I'm not. But certainly action is better than lipservice." Sean replied, confidence oozing from his eyes.

The two guys fell in silence. The guy who had accompanied Sean is surprised at his words. Figuring that this new employee is not as what his first impression gave, Sean looks like a bunny needed to be taken care of but what if he is someone more than that in terms of intelligence?

He shrugged the thought away, and observed the intense staring competition between the two. Knowing for a fact that whoever looked away first is the one under control of the other. He stared at Sean's eyes as he knows for certain that he will be the first to look away, assuming he is correct at his presumption.

Until, he realized, it is the opposite. For when Sean smiled in victory, it is of course in a subtle way, he averted his eyes towards Benjamin. And he is surprised to know that his boss has grimaced, giving more point that Sean had indeed won. The guy looked at Sean, dumbfounded and disbelieved, before sending a questioning look to Benjamin's way.

Sean's innocent smile fluttered a vexed sigh out of Benjamin's mouth, before he motioned a hand for Sean to leave as he is now accepted on the case. Leaving Sean's companion be shocked and agape.

<End of Chapter 1>

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