{Prideful & Stubborn} Teacher

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Full Name: "Hah? My name is Ruka..." He looked at you with a raised brow, crossing his arms over his chest as he gazed at you skeptically. (Ruka Vinnel)

Nickname(s): "I'd rather not," He said with a huff. He looked at you with narrowed eyes as he did so. (Ru, Ruru)

Age: "I'm 26 years old. No, it's not that old," He spoke with a lower growl almost as if daring you to make another comment about the fact.

Gender: "Obviously I'm a man," He scoffed in slight agitation.

Birthdate: "October 5th. Figure out the rest yourself," He said with the roll of his eyes, glancing away from you.

Species: "What else would I be other than human?" He gave you a look that practically just called you 'stupid' at this point.

Occupation: "I'm a high school teacher. Some days are better than others. Same with some kids," He said with the shake of his head, a long sigh escaping from his lips.

Height: "Call me short and there will be hell to pay," He warned darkly. (5 ft 6 in)

Birthmarks/Scars: "None of your business," He scowled at you, hand on his hip. (A small scar on the back of his neck from an incident when he was younger)

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Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing the piano

Likes: Teaching, sweets, being right, books

Dislikes: Being proved wrong, arrogance, being looked down on/underestimated

Fears: Ghosts/Supernatural (Stupid as it sounds, if you watch a horror movie with him that involves anything unworldly, he gets pretty freaked out but won't actually admit it due to his pride)

Mental State/Physical Illness: N/A

Extra Info: N/A

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Pet Peeves: When someone is being too arrogant or cocky/full of themselves

Habits: Taps his foot when irritated

Voice Type: Slightly lower and rougher but well spoken and broadcasted

Overall Personality: Inside the classroom, he is diligent and punctual. He's mature and intelligent and does whatever needs to be done. He is an attentive teacher and he takes great pride in what he does. Outside of the classroom most things still apply, though he can be a bit more impulsive, brash, and shorter tempered. He's more impulsive and can sometimes speak or do before thinking. He can have a bit of a foul mouth at times, saying what needs to be said without holding back or hesitation and he is extremely stubborn when he sets his mind on something.

Family: Mother, Father

Extra Info: He teaches at a local high school in the town he lives in. 

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Position: Uke/Submissive

Sexuality: Gay

Virgin: No

Turn Ons: He enjoys praise and he definitely does not mind a little roughness and getting his hands dirty if you catch his drift. He likes dominance from his partner and a bit of hair pulling and marking. He also secretly enjoys being teased and a bit of pain here and there.

Turn Offs: He isn't a huge fan of PDA or anything disgusting like urination, etc.

Scenario #1
Everyone was talking about it. How you all were supposed to get a new teacher starting today after your last one had to leave due to an incident earlier on in the year. Not that you minded anyways. The last one was old and very close-minded, extremely strict and rude to say the least. Maybe this one would be different.

You all were sitting in your seats as the principal came inside and behind him was an actually fairly young man for a teacher, with dark glasses and pale skin. He held his head high as the principal introduced him. 

"This is Mr. Ruka Vinnel, your newest teacher. Please treat him with respect as you would any other teacher," said the principal simply before taking his leave.

Ruka made his way to the front and center of the room, a hand on his hip as his eyes scanned over the room and each student including yourself before starting the lesson. Overall, he actually was a very good teacher. He was well spoken and explained things at a good and clear pace and he was much easier to follow with and understand than the last teacher.

Finally when the bell rang and everyone was leaving, you were the last one about to go out of the classroom before you heard a now familiar voice suddenly call out to you.

"Ah, Y/N, was it? Mind if I talk with you for a moment? I wanted to ask some things about the class and your previous teacher." Ruka was at his teacher's desk still, gazing back at you with curious eyes as he awaited your answer.


Scenario #2
You decide.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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