I know many of you wanted a spin off of Athena and Ashton's stories and quite honestly, I don't think I will ever be happy with a spin off of this book. This was my first book beyond the superficial Teen Romance category. It sends a shiver down my spine just thinking about it.
I know Contronym is my most popular work but I have grown to resent parts of it. Perhaps it is my writing style evolving, but I don't want my mark to be predictable and disgustingly immature, illogical, and romanticized preteen novels. I love everything and everyone that has come fro Finn and Sylvia's story, but that is not the direction I will most likely go in the future.
I'd call Antagonym Contronym's sexier and refined older sister.
But my dark works? The ones like Choking on Diamonds that make you hurt inside when you see it's a reality all around you. The ones such as this that take an anarchical and cynical mind and turn it extreme, to the ones like Hunting Sunsets, who's blows are so strong they knock your phone out of your hands.
I want the pain. I want the suffering. I want the lust. I want the loss. I want the sin.
I want the hunt for salvation.
For those of you looking for the same, I present to you the Salvation Collection. This reading list will feature all my dark works both past and present so all my Queen of the Damned lovers will know where to look. But most importantly, I want to introduce it's newest permanent member: Burning Empires.
Enjoy and happy suffering.
Empires rise and fall.
The world crumbles and people die.
Powers change and champions are made.
Bodies are cremated and the world keeps turning.
Burn Rome burn; the Queen demands it.