I was so happy...

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I woke up and was very cold but also kinda hot I looked around and saw no Pea I stood up and slipped his jacket on I walked out into the kitchen I saw Pea sitting at the dining table reading something I went behind him "hello"I whispered he jumped up I started laughing he glared at me "not funny"he said "well good morning to you too babe"I said he smiled his eye's trailer to the jacket hanging on my shoulders "don't you have your own jacket?"he asked "yes, yes I do"I smirked crossing my arm's he chuckled "well I have to get dressed and go to my house and get clothes"I said someone knocked on the door I ran over to it I opened the door "hello Bella"he said "hella Fangs"I glared crossing my arm's "woah what'd I do?"he asked "came into my life"I said letting him in "ugh ouch"he said I chuckled I shut the door "hey Fangs can you take her to her house then bring her back here?"Pea asked "yes sir"he said I chuckled and went into his room I got dressed I slipped my jacket on and went out "let's go Fogarty"I said he came over to me holding his arm out I took it linking our arm's we went outside and got on his bike he drove to my house we got off "how do you know where I live?"I asked as we went up to my door "I have my ways"he smirked "ok than"I said opening the door I saw mom Hal and Betty in the living room I rolled my eye's and ran upstairs fangs behind me I went into my room he plopped down on my bed while I packed my clothes I grabbed some and went into my bathroom I took a quick shower and got dressed
Fit and hair

I woke up and was very cold but also kinda hot I looked around and saw no Pea I stood up and slipped his jacket on I walked out into the kitchen I saw Pea sitting at the dining table reading something I went behind him "hello"I whispered he jumped...

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I walked out and saw Fangs passed out on my bed I smiled and went over to him I pulled the blanket over him I went downstairs "hello family and Hal"I said going into the living room "that's not what my name was last time"he said "I know and that's...

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I walked out and saw Fangs passed out on my bed I smiled and went over to him I pulled the blanket over him I went downstairs "hello family and Hal"I said going into the living room "that's not what my name was last time"he said "I know and that's because I thought you were my dad last time it turns out your not"I said Betty looked at me "have you seen Jug?"she asked "yeah last night"I said "did he say what he was doing today"she asked "no but I'll make sure to stop my his place"I said she smiled "oh my friend is sleeping upstairs and don't bother him please I'll be back later to get him"I said they nodded I went upstairs and into my room I went into his pocket and got his bike key's I smirked and went downstairs I went outside and got on his bike I started it I put his helmet on I drove to jugs trailer I got off and took the helmet off I went upstairs and knocked a couple minutes later he opened the door "hello brother"I said going in he shut the door "um hello sister"he said rubbing his eye's "Betty asked me to come by she wants to know what your doing"I said looking around "I was gonna go see dad before they take him to the real jail"he said I looked at him "can I come with?"I asked he nodded "I'm gonna go get dressed first"he said I nodded and sat down at the table I looked at his Jason board  on the wall he came out in his usual clothes "let's go"I said standing up we walked out "isn't that fangs' bike?"he asked as I got on "yes"I said "what did you do kill em?"he asked getting on his bike "no he took me to my house and passed out on my bed so he's probably still sleeping"I said he nodded we started driving to the station we walked inside I saw sheriff Keller at his deck "oh hello kids here to see your father I'm guessing"he said standing up "as a matter of fact yes sheriff Keller we are"I said he pointed to the cell I went over to it and saw dad sitting on the bed "hey dad"I said getting his attention "kids"he said standing up and coming over to us "hey dad"Jug said as he stood next to me "what are you doing here?"dad asked "what are we not aloud to see our dad?"I asked he started walking back and forth until Jug spoke up I didn't listen until I heard "I was so happy for the first time in forever"he whispered dad looked at us "go and never come back"he yelled tears filled my eye's we walked out I got a text I looked at it
Fangs-I swear to god Bell if you scratch my bike I will never take you to pop's
Bella-chill Fangs I'll come pick you up I'm with Jughead wait outside on the steps brt
Fangs-you better see you soon
I laughed and out my phone in my pocket we got on our bike's "I'm gonna go pick up Fangs you comin?"I asked "yeah can we go to pop's after I need a milkshake and burger really bad right now"he said I nodded laughing we went to my house I saw Fangs on the steps "get your fat ass up and on this bike Fogarty"I yelled he shot his head up then smirked "how do you know it's fat?"he asked "just shut up and get on"I said he chuckled and got on he wrapped his arm's around my waist I stiffened then relaxed as I drove to pop's we walked inside and sat in a booth pop came over here "usual?"he asked "just for Jug I'll have a strawberry milkshake please"I said he nodded I looked at Fangs "you?"I asked nudging his side "I'll have a chocolate shake please"he said "aww Fogarty's using his manners how cute"I smiled he looked down and played with the rings on his fingers "so how was your nap?"I asked his head shot up "amazing your bed is so comfy and soft"he said I giggled "Fangs can we tell you something?"Jug asked "yeah of course"he said "our dad we well just went to go see him and well ugh it went pretty bad he basically told us to never go see him"I said he looked at me as my eye's filled with tears one fell out he saw it and wiped it away he pulled me into a hug I laid my head on his chest "I just found out he w-was my dad and now I can't even spend t-time with him I'm sorta glad I didn't know he was my dad cause he would've been a terrible one"I cried he rubbed my head as Jug took my hand across the table the bell rang I looked up and saw Archie Betty and Ronnie they came over to us "hey guy's who's this?"Archie asked pointing to fangs "a serpent so don't worry about him since all you do is talk down on us"I said "what's wrong with her?"he asked "something that happened with dad"Jug said I hid my face in fangs' chest "well Jughead were gonna go over there if you need us"Betty said I heard them walk away I heard the bell ring again I didn't bother looking up "there you guy's are"I heard someone say I knew it was Pea "I was worried sick whoa what's with her?"he asked "she's just... Tired"Fangs lied well sorta "here you go kid's enjoy"pop said my head shot up I started sucking down my shake fangs chuckled Pea sat down across from me "are you ok you were avoiding my texts and calls?"he asked "I'm fine Sweet Pea"I glared "woah what'd I do?"he asked "nothing"I said I stood up "I'm going to the bathroom"I said then walked away I went into the bathroom and let it out well that was until I had to puke I ran to the toilet and did my business "hey is someone in here?"someone asked the door opened "oh Bella are you ok?"she asked I turned mt head and saw Josie "yes I'm fine"I said flushing the toilet and wiping my mouth "do you need help?"she asked "actually kinda"I said "what's wrong?"she asked helping me up "um last night I ugh did it with a boy and we didn't use protection and he didn't pull out so..."I said "you need a test girl I got ya"she said "thank you so much can you bring it to school tomorrow please?"I asked she nodded and hugged me "just so you know if you are I'm here for you"she said I nodded smiling "thank you Josie your a life saver"I said we walked out she went back to her table while I went to mine "did I just see my sister come out of the bathroom with Josephine McCoy?"Jug asked "you see a lot of thing's Jug Fangs we shall leave now"I said we all stood up Jug placed a twenty dollar bill on the table we went outside "um Fangs I'm gonna ride with Pea I'm tired and wanna go home"I said he nodded me and Pea got on his bike and went home I saw a blue tarp "Pea what's this?"I asked going over to it "well I heard you and your dad bickering about getting you a bike so why not me get you one"he said pulling the tarp off underneath it sat a black Harley with the serpent logo on the side "Pea I love it so much thank you"I said hugging him he gave me key's we went inside and cuddled in bed "so what did you and that girl talk about?"he asked e"ugh girl stuff"I lied he nodded I closed my eye's yawning "get some rest"he said I nodded and let sleep take over

Sorry for a long chapter also is she pregnant will she tell Sweet Pea or will she hide in her room and only let Josie know about the mini serpent growing inside her? Who knows

Serpent By Blood +Sweet Pea+ Where stories live. Discover now