Prolouge- Bex

40 3 1

September, Wednesday 13th 1944

I was running through the woods on the outskirts of Michigan. My laboured breathing didn't help, I quickly glance behind me and saw the 3 men still following me, slowly catching up to me. With widen eyes I tried to use my vampire speed but it was still blocked by my, hopefully, last dose from the scientist lab.

I've been in that lab for 50 years, yeah that's right 50!! But I look 21. Let's start from the start shell we?

I was born in 1810 on November 23rd, i was born a hybrid, half-vampire half-fairy, I know weird anyway being a vampire was what made me immortal. The first 84 years were nice I guess but I stayed in the same place for too long and look where it got me? They killed my parents then tortured me. We also couldn't use our gifts/magic because of this dose they gave us everyday which weakened them to almost nothing.

Then in the next fifty years, going from scientist from scientist I was tortured, tested, prodded and many other things. In the whole building I was there for the longest being able to survive all the tests.
In my last 10 years there I met Laci, Jade and Raven. We got along extremely well and stuck together.

The day before I escaped I found out that I'm probably the strongest hybrid alive because not only I survived 50 years but all the test they did on me somehow changed my body's system so not only am I a vampire and fairy but also a mermaid, angel, witch, werewolf and a Neko. I was outraged and grabbed my friends and broke free. We separated to try and confuse the ones chasing us.

I carried on running trying to keep my eyes open. I'm so tired from bursting out of that damn lab I'm about to collapse.

'Guys help I'm about to collapse and I don't know where we are going?!'

I mind linked with Raven as she is the only other one with werewolf genes.

'Erm I know where we can go, she's a friend. She doesn't live far from here just go north and we will all meet you there.'


I shut off the mind link and raced as fast as I could north. The trees and bushes were just a blur at the moment. Thank god my vampire speed is kicking in. I can smell the humans fading.

I started to slow down as I came to a clearing with the rest of the girls

"Thank god, you're here. We need to be quick before they catch us again come on," she spoke then dashed. The rest of us following her.

After about a 10 minute run the scientists smell has completely disappeared and my dose is waring off. Which isn't good for me as I haven't used my power and abilities in 50 year that when the dose doesn't work anymore it's going to really hurt, not only that but my body has to overcome another five supernatural abilities, I'll be lucky to survive. After another five minutes my body started to tingle. Not good.

"Can we hurry up my dose is going and my new 'powers' are going to start soon," I asked worried that I would have to go through the pain in the middle of the road. They nodded in reply, please hurry up.


"We are here now," she said as we stopped in front of a medium sized house, "come one" she grabbed us all towards the house.

"I smell witch," Laci mumbled. She doesn't have a good history with them. Long story.

"Yeah, get over it Anna-Lace" Jade smirked. Eh-oh Laci hates here real name because it reminds her of her parents who were -like mine- killed when she was captured, actually come to think of it none of us go my our actual names.

Before she could answer she was interrupted by my screams of pain.

"SH*T!!" Raven screamed as she caught me before I hit the floor, "Girls come on we need to be inside-it's going to be a long night" she sighed looking at me, sadness written all over her face.

I could feel everything coming to me at once, my vampire powers- everything starting to look sharper and changing colour, my jaw felt like it was splitting in two. My back started to feel tingly before opening up to letting out my angel wings first then my fairy ones. My legs turning into a tail then back to my human legs. My body growing extra fur and my nails growing longer. This sh*t hurts! The power of the witch starts to bubble up. Ears, whiskers and a tail starting to grow. Bones snapping then re-forming. I felt like I was dying. I couldn't breathe.

By now we entered the house and a girl with Black hair and brown eyes looked at me with pity. Everyone was talking around me but I couldn't hear anything I could only hear a ringing sound, it scared me.

But before I could think about it everything went black.


Another story! Sorry but I had this idea and I wanted to start it so why not?! Hahha



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