Someone came knocking

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"Richie? Earth to Richie? Jeez man, you've been spacing out a lot lately- I mean, not that you don't have the reasons to I didn't mean to- I'm just- well-"
"Eddie. You're ok. Sorry I was spacing out I was just missing your-"
"Oh. My. Fucking-"
"Dinner!" Karen's voice cut through their bickering. The losers sighed in relief, for both reasons that they were starving and the bickering between Eddie and Richie was going to escalate until one of them made out finally. Get. A. Room.
The losers scrambled out of Richie's room and into the kitchen to see the two tables pushed together once more. Feels like a million years ago that he freaked and yet, it also feels way too fresh in his mind, guess it's cause he just told the losers what happened. Richie had been starting to get used to the large dinners (actually normal size to anyone else but to him it's like Eddie's mom's meals *shudder*).
As everyone started to join the table, Richie mentally prepared himself for the onslaught of questions from the Wheeler's. He was surprised to find out that as the minutes passed, there were no questions, only laughter and giggling, mostly about young Richie and Eddie bickering as well as a creature named Dart. The dinner lasted several hours until no one could eat a bite more, even then, people were kept at the table talking about their pasts, so caught up in nostalgia that they didn't notice a shift in the atmosphere. A subtle decrease in temperature and a small draft coming from door. All was well in the Wheelers household. Until someone came knocking.

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