five | the quarry

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A/n- this story has 100 reads! Thanks so much!


All that could be heard were the boys as they spat into the water at the top of the quarry.

It was disgusting, and you never got their games. So you sat behind them, on a log, trying to keep your eyes off of Bill as he kept turning and looking at you every few seconds.

The fact that he was shirtless didn't help. So you sat there, trying to ignore the looks he was giving you. You usually didn't go swimming whenever you went to the quarry with the boys. Being in only your underwear around the boys you considered brothers (except Bill, of course) seemed foreign, and not quite right.

But it was really hot today, so you made an exception. You were wearing a white bra and matching underwear, curling in on yourself so that no one could see what you looked like. Being self-conscious wasn't a crime, right?

So you sat there, drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick.

It was a day after you had all helped Ben, and ever since, he had kind of just hung around the group of you. You didn't care, though, it felt nice to be expanding your friend group. 

But you were still eagerly waiting for Beverly. She had ended up calling you, and you had both spoken for quite a while last night before Lizzie had yelled at you for 'Hogging the house phone'. 

You honestly felt like you had connected with Bev, and you wondered why you hadn't spoken to her before.

"Oh my god, that was terrible. I win!" You heard Richie exclaim.

"You won?" You heard Eddie reply.


"Did you see my loogie?"

"Mine went the furthest! It's by distance."

"Mass. It's always been mass."

"What is- what is mass?!" Richie sounded exasperated and you almost laughed as you looked up at the arguing pair.

"Who cares how far it goes? It matters how cool it looks. Like it's green or it's white or juicy and fat." Ew.

"Thanks for that. Thanks!" You heard Richie say as Bill spoke over the top of him.

"All right, who's first?" He asked, referencing to the who was going to jump in the water first. The boys each gave each other weird glances. What sissies. 

"We'll go!" A voice yelled. 

You turned to see Beverly standing a few meters behind you, next to her bike. She pulled her dress off and smirked. She began running towards the edge of the cliff, ready to jump into the water below.

Oh, good! Beverly was here! You were wondering when she was going to turn up- wait. What did she mean "we'll"?

And suddenly, she had grabbed your hand and yanked you up from your seat on the log, still running with you.

Next thing you knew, you were both running, hand-in-hand towards the edge of the cliff.

"Oh god- BEVERLY WHAT ARE YOU-" You exclaimed when suddenly she had jumped off of the edge with you, plummeting down into the water.

You had enough time to take a deep breath before you hit the icy water.

You swam back up to the surface, coming face-to-face with a laughing Beverly.

"Oh my god," you began laughing with her, "Wow- that was terrifying!"

"I'm sorry, I just thought you would want to impress Bill up there," she finished laughing and pointed to the boys, who looked shocked as they stared at you both from the edge.

"W-what? No!" Your eyes widened and you tried to deny it.

"Come on, Y/n, everyone knows you have a crush on him!"

"No- I'm pretty sure I don't!" Your face was going red and you mentally cursed your body for failing you, "even if I did -which I don't, by the way- how would you know? We barely talk."

"Oh, everyone knows about you and Bill. There was even a rumour going around that you both like-" she paused, "kissed each other at the school dance last year, but like, a lot. Like making out. But the rumour was shut down by him pretty quick," she replied, shrugging. Your face went red.


There was a rumour going around about you and Bill and you didn't even know about it?!

You didn't get to reply to her when you heard a splash behind you. It was none other than the Denbrough boy.

You made a mental note to ask him about the rumors later.

The others shortly followed him, and eventually, you were all in the water, laughing and splashing each other.

You watched Bev get on Bill's shoulders and play Cat-fight with Richie who was on Ben's shoulders. Despite the little green monster who was nudging at your chest at the sight of Bill and Beverly having fun, you smiled at the group, laughing when Bev got knocked down.

Hours passed of the seven of you had fun, and eventually, Bill was sitting beside you while you both watched the others laughing and splashing each other. You wondered how they still had so much energy, a smile painted on your face as you watched them.

Richie and Eddie were splashing each other, and you grinned even wider. You had shipped them for a while now, in your eyes they were perfect for each other.

Beverly, Stanley, and Ben were all talking about something, laughing as they did.

You felt someone's gaze on you, and when you turned Bill was watching you thoughtfully. You gave him a small smile as he smiled back.
It was small moments like these that you appreciated, the small smiles you both exchanged were what made you happy. Everything was perfect.

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