Bloopers #5: Chapter 9 and 10

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Chapter 9: At the Kitchen
Braixen (Brittany): "Hey guys."
Frogadier (Geo): "Hey Brittany."
Ivysaur (Bullet): "Oh, hi!"
Braixen (Brittany): "Have any of you seen my stick?"
Noibat (Vincent): "Don't know."
Gible (Mateo): "Wait, was your stick on your tail?"
Braixen (Brittany): "No, it's not on my tail anymore. Someone snatched it."
Heliolisk (Julian): "Any ideas, buddy?"
Frogadier (Geo): "I have no clue who took Brittany's stick."
Braixen (Brittany): "I need to find that stick! I must go to the other room!"
Heliolisk (Julian): *Follows and grabs Geo's arm* "Brittany, we'll help you find it."
Frogadier (Geo): "Ow! H-Hey! Careful with my arm!"
*The others also follow along. They all search the house for Brittany's stick.*
Frogadier (Geo): "Hey Bullet!"
Ivysaur (Bullet): "What is it?"
Frogadier (Geo): "Have you check out this room?"
Ivysaur (Bullet): "No, I didn't check out that room."
Frogadier (Geo): *Opens the door* "Let's just looked around for the stick and-"
*Before Geo could say anything, he saw Finn, have Brittany's stick as he is about to try to summon fire from the stick.*
Frogadier (Geo): "Uh, Bullet. I think I found the stick."
Ivysaur (Bullet): "Great! Let's go get it!"
Frogadier (Geo): "But Finn has it!"
Ivysaur (Bullet): What?! Okay! What do we do now?"
Frogadier (Geo): "You go get the others, and I'll go get the stick."
Ivysaur (Bullet): "On it!"
*When Bullet getting the others, Geo opens the door to see Finn, still have Brittany's stick.*
Frogadier (Geo): "Well well well. Look what the Spiny Armor Pokemon drag in."
Quilladin (Finn): *Shocked* "Oh, it's just you. I thought you were Brittany. If Brittany was here, she would beat me up as I took her stick."
Frogadier (Geo): "I doubt it. Quick question. Why do you have Brittany's stick?"
Quilladin (Finn): "Well, you see, I wanted to figure out how the hell Brittany can summon fire-type moves, but I don't know how."
Frogadier (Geo): "Only Brittany can summon those moves, not you. Because you are a Grass-type!"
Ivysaur (Bullet): "Geo! I got the others with me!"
Braixen (Brittany): "Who has my stick?!"
Frogadier (Geo): *Points at Finn* "Finn has your stick!"
Quiladin (Finn): "Oh no."
Braixen (Brittany): *Gets angry*
Ivysaur (Bullet): "Everyone, evaluate!"
*Everyone evaluates expected Geo, Brittany, and Finn*
Frogadier (Geo): "Uh, Brittany, are you okay?"
Braixen (Brittany): "Does it looks like I'm fine?! He stole my stick?!"
Quilladin (Finn): *Gulps*
Frogadier (Geo): "You know what, I'll let you beat the shit out of Finn. Deal?"
Braixen (Brittany): "Deal."
Quilladin (Finn): "Oh boy..."
Braixen (Braixen): "Ember!"
Quilladin (Finn): "AAAGGGHHH!"
1 hour later: In the Living Room
Amy: "What in the hell happened to Finn?"
Frogadier (Geo): "It's a long story..."
Quilladin (Finn): "Don't tell her everything! Please!"
Elizabeth: "Where is Brittany anyway?"
Victor: "Oh, I just walked pass her to the hallway. She must be in her room by now."

Frogadier (Geo): *Knocking the door* "Brittany, are you okay in there?"
Braixen (Brittany): "I'm fine. I just want some alone time."
Frogadier (Geo): "Okay, but if you need anything else, let me know."
Quilladin (Finn): "Man, why is Brittany had to be so harsh?"
*Geo looked at Finn, getting angry*
Quilladin (Finn): "What?"
Frogadier (Geo): "I'm pissed off for what the fuck you did."
Quilladin (Finn): "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snatch Brittany's stick from her tail."
Frogadier (Geo): "You could've. If you've hadn't snatch her stick, she wouldn't beat the crap out of you."
Quilladin (Finn): "You're right about that."

Quilladin (Finn): "So...Who's your roommate?"
Frogadier (Geo): *Blushes* "That's none of business."
Quilladin (Finn): "Oh come on! Who is it?"
Frogadier (Geo): *Blushes* "No."
Quilladin (Finn): "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me who is your roommate. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me right now. Tell-Wait where did he go?"
Heliolisk (Julian): "I GOT YOU, GEO!"
Quilladin (Finn): "GET BACK HERE!"

Braixen (Brittany): "Geo, where are you? Ge-Geo!"
Frogadier (Geo): * Breaths heavily* Hey, B-Brittany."
Braixen (Brittany): "Geo! What happened to you?!"
Frogadier (Geo): *Breaths heavily* "L-Long story..."
Braixen (Brittany): "Let's just go to our room, so you can get some rest."
Frogadier (Geo): "Great idea."

Quilladin (Finn): "Stella, Where the fuck is Geo?!"
Monferno (Stella): "He must hiding in his room."
*Finn walked to the room where Geo is.*
Quilladin (Finn): *Knocking the door* "Oooh, Geo. You didn't answer my question."
Frogadier (Geo): "I don't care!"
Quilladin (Finn): "Oh, come on. It's not that hard to answer!"
Braixen (Brittany): "Oh, for the love of-" *Opens the door* I'm his roommate, dumb-dumb!"
Quiladin (Finn): "Seriously?"
Braixen (Brittany): "Yes. Now, can you please leave us alone before I kick your butt?"
Quilladin (Finn): "Okay! I'll go back to my room! Just, please. Don't kill me." *Goes to his room*
Braixen (Brittany): "Yeah, you better be..."

Raichu (Logan): "Dammit..."
Roserade (Amy): "Logan, What's wrong?"
Raichu (Logan): "I can't sleep."

Chapter 10:
Quilladin (Finn): *Knocking o the door* "Brittany, It's me, Finn. What I wanted to say is I'm sorry for snatching your stick. I didn't mean to make you mad!"
Braixen (Brittany): *In the room* "Well, guess what! I'm still mad at you. Why would I trust you again?"
Quilladin (Finn): "Oh come on! Is there any way to forgive me from my stupidity?"
Braixen (Brittany): *In the room* "Geo, do you any ideas of what he can do?"
Frogadier (Geo): *In the room* "I have an idea. Finn, I want you to meet us outside so I can get my teammates."
Quilladin (Finn): "That's fair. And Brittany, you messed up the part when I was going to beat up out of Geo."
Braixen (Brittany): *In the room* "Wait, what do you mean by that?"
Quilladin (Finn): "It says in the script you are supposed to open the door because you are sick of the knocking noises I was making."
Frogadier (Geo): *In the room* "Oh...He's right."
Braixen (Brittany): *In the room* "God damm it!"
Quilladin (Finn): "And I have to pretend that Brittany is not actually in the room with you, Geo."
Braixen (Brittany): *In the room* "Thank a lot, Finn!"
Quilladin (Finn): "You're welcome."

Floette (Bridgette): "Uh...Finn."
Quilladin (Finn): "Oh. Hey, Bridgette."
Floette (Bridgette): "Why are you standing outside?"
Quilladin (Finn): "The reason why I was outside is:
1) I snatched Brittany's stick last night.
2) Geo told me to be outside so he was getting his team to come."
Floette (Bridgette): "Wow... You fell for it."
Quilladin (Finn): "I get it! I'm dumbass, Bridgette! Who you do think I am?!"

Ivysaur (Bullet): So...Why are you dragging us outside?"
Frogadier (Geo): "You guys remember what happened last night, right?"
The team: "Yeah."
Frogadier (Geo): "Well, I told Finn to meet me outside so the five of you, you know, beat the crap out of him."
Noibat (Vincent): "What?! Geo, are you serious?!"
Frogadier (Geo): "Yes! You know what Brittany did! She has to used Ember to burn Finn!"
Gible (Mateo): "Now, that makes a lot more sense."
Honedge (Jayden): "Does Finn know?"
Frogadier (Geo): "Nope."
Heliolisk (Julian): "You know I was waiting for so long for this."

Mightyena (Grayson): "Hey, Michael. Have you seen Finn? I need to tell him something important."
Tyrunt (Daniel): "He's not in his room."
Lapras (Michael): "If you're looking for him, he's right outside, chasing by Geo's team for some reason."
Litleo (Sebastian): "Wait...What?"
Quilladin (Finn): *On the background* "THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU MEAN, GEO!"
Heliolisk (Julian): *Summons Thunder Shock* "Stay still, Finn!"
Honedge (Jayden): "Get back here!"
Noibat (Vincent): "You guys are ruining the fun!"
Ivysaur (Bullet): "Since when did Finn run that fast?!"
Frogadier (Geo): "No clue! I remember he used to run so slow!"
Gible (Mateo): "Outta my way! I'm going to fight with the others!"

Quilladin (Finn): "Great...I'm now wrapped up with bandages..."
Raichu (Logan): "Well you deserve it."
Pancham (Budo): "Agree."
Sylveon (Serena): "Besides, I even laughed when I saw Finn, running for his own life."
Quilladin (Finn): "Ha Ha...Very funny."
*Geo and Brittany walked to Finn*
Braixen (Brittany): *Chuckles* "Well, it looks like someone had a bad day."
Frogadier (Geo): *Chuckles* "So...Finn. How are you feeling?"
Quilladin (Finn): "Okay, Geo, I finish your stupid deal already. Your welcome."
Frogadier (Geo): "Don't mention it."
Quilladin (Finn): "Brittany, for God's sake. I'm sorry for snatching your stick! Will you please forgive me for this?"
Braixen (Brittany): "Alright. Alright. I forgive you. But if I do that again, so help me, I used some powerful Fire-Type moves on you!"
Frogadier (Geo): "And my team will also beat you up, too."
Quilladin (Finn): "Okay, I understand."

Elizabeth: "We all have fun, right?."
Guys: "Yup!"
Quilladin (Finn): "I'm not."
Tony: "I have no idea what happened to Finn."
Quilladin (Finn): "I don't want to say anything, Tony!"
Darwin: "Yeah, right."
Elizabeth: "While everyone else is having a great time, I think we should be able to make marshmallows at the campfire."
Heliolisk (Julian): "Let's make some S'mores!"
Gible (Mateo): "Wait for me, Julian!"
Elizabeth: "I'll make the bloopers for chapters 11 and 12. Hopefully, nobody else will bother me."
Tony: "I hope so."

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