The girl named Sofia

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The evening was gloomy and cold, and the clocks were striking three too. Sofia, a young orphaned girl from the Mercy Church, awoke because of the loud chime of the bell, she slowly turned to the left to see her friend Nori, but it was all blurred.

Suddenly, a loud lightning struck hit on the pine tree outside, the wolves was howling and the fire from the lightning starting to spread out across the forest. Again, she heard the loud chime.

"Why would the bell chiming at this hour? Is there a typhoon or something?"

She grab her eyeglasses from the table and heard some noises, she put it into her eyes and realized she was no longer in her chamber.


She felt goosebumps and look around.

"Sofia Elfman"

Someone's calling her at the distant. The place was filled with the chirping of crickets and she was surrounded by fireflies in the darkness.

"Go, find your way!" someone whispered.

Slowly, the fireflies flew away. The place is dark, there was no moon or something.

"Where am I?"

She just saw a straight pathway of light coming from the distance and look side by side but it was all black. She ran as fast as she can and followed the bright light and found it to be a window in an old house. As she followed, she closed her eyes and prayed. She moved calmly and looked gently to the window as her heart was racing.

What is this place? What are they?

She covered her mouth, and for a few seconds used her palm to wipe her eyes, just to make sure that she was not dreaming.

"Necromancy? That woman just performed a—wait! Are you telling me that, that woman is a necromancer?" George asked. He was a dwarf, with a beard that was bushy, he have an oversized floppy cap, a belt over his untucked shirt, leather work boots, and a solid orange, baggy, oversize shirt.

"Well, yeah! Mr. Dubghail just wrote a piece of news in this newspaper. " Gareth replied, he's an elf wearing a flowy top in green paired with dark brown pants and a black cape. He has long, dark orange hair and carries a bow and arrow.

Gareth read the front page of the newspaper; "Mr. Breathnach, the father of Miss Sarah Breathnach, said that he asked the Witch of the Forbidden Forest to bring her daughter back."

"That's ridiculous! Dark magic is forbidden here in our town!" George exclaimed.

"This is evil!" Gareth replied.

"Sylvia is not just an ordinary woman but a necromancer! It's been 89 years since there was news that someone brought the dead back to life." Robert said, an old man with a long white beard and black flowing robes.

It's confusing to Sofia whether she was dreaming or not. They saw her on the window and she fell. While she was terrified, puzzled, and unsure of what was going on. She attempted to back off, looking at the ground and slowly crawling.

"A girl? Who is she?" Garett asked

" Maybe she was lost." George replied

" Nor a spy!" Garett exclaimed

Sofia groans trying to wipe the dirt on her jacket, but George already in front of her. Standing and staring at her. "Are you lost little one?" He asked, calmly.

She doesn't know how to respond or what to do, she was frightened. Never in her life she seen an elf and a dwarf before. " I- I don't— I don't know how I got here. Earlier— I was just sleeping in my room then—" she muttered.

The man, Robert, looks at her carefully and offers a piece of nordic blanket. "Come here child. You're safe." He said. "I believed that you've been summoned," he added.

George smiled awkwardly, "It would be nice if we talked about this inside. " he said. Offer her to come, while Garett hears something in the forest. He tried to focus and wait for a movement 'till he heard footsteps from the pumpkin's garden. "Something is coming. " he whispered. "Go! Go inside!" he added.

They quickly entered the house and cast an enchantment, while Robert tries to use a spell to cover up their odors, George takes out his shovel and the Elf, Garett, positioned his arrows and cautiously peers outside through the window. Sofia doesn't know what's going on but she knew that she was no longer safe. She seated on the carpet in right next to the fireplace, as she gave herself a hug "Where am I?" she whispered.

Robert looked at her and sat on the couch. "Child, can you tell me who you are?" he asked calmly. "I'm Sofia." she replied slowly. "How old are you now?" he added. "Just turned 16 yesterday."

He signed and bites his lower lip. "We don't know what happened to you, and why you're here but the one thing sure is, you're safe with us." he said calmly. "I'm Robert, but others calls me, the Doctor. That Dwarf is George and that Elf is Gareth." he added.

"I can smell that you're not one of us, if I can smell it then others will too. If you don't mind, my child. Can you please eat and drink this?" he asked while grabbing the two little bottles of spell and a small white cube bread inside his hat.

Sofia calmly nodded and stared at them. "What are they?" She said. Robert gives it to her and said; "This one is for your human smell so that bad creature will not attack you." He explained while pointed out the marooned bottle.

Even a butterfly knows if you're a stranger on that place or not. If there's a good creature, there's also an opposite. Robert is a wizard, and he knows that Sofia is being summoned by someone. If he will not protect her then the spirits will find her.

"This one is a pumpkin juice that can make you understand the language here. Many creatures living here, and they speak differently." He added.

The languages in the otherworld is different, it can be humming, whispers or a words that you cannot understand. Creatures living with human can speak human language but the others cannot, only they understand you but you cannot.

"And lastly, this is the most important thing, if you eat this then you will not gonna get sick. So, you must eat this so that you can eat the food we eat here." he added. Robert is a wizard, a wizard is a human too, but he came from a family who have worshipped evil and have a connection with the spirit world. He knows what will happen or the possibilities if a human will enter the otherworld. He's not from otherworld, he born from the human world.

"Where am I?" she asks while opening the bottle.

"You're in the Otherworld, the half of the human world."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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