A New Light Shines

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Gotham. Not the most pretty place in the world, but it never stops reflecting a light into Batman's eyes. This hometown of his has always had a special place in his heart, after all, he grew up here. He sworn to himself that he will protect the City without any regrets, but that meant he never once left Gotham. Memories of his childhood are left here and so he doesn't want to leave them massacred by some villain. One Tuesday, while Batman was carrying out his night patrol with Alfred, he spotted a glimpse of illuminating green through the towering buildings.

"Alfred. Stop the bat mobile. I saw something glowing between the 2 towers" ordered Batman. And so, Alfred stopped the car as Batman commanded, and let Batman retreat into the darkness of the night. Batman thought it was going to be the good old green radioactive blobs, like normal Tuesday's. When Batman arrived to the scene, he was shook. That wasn't just some radioactive blob, it was an ogre. A great ogre, sleeping in the midst of a city. 'What is an ogre doing here, in the City of Gotham?' Batman thought to himself . His thoughts were cut short when the ogre moved, Batman his behind the trashcan. The ogre stood up, stretching and shaking the dust off his body.

"Aye, whatta issue that donkeh iz" yawned the ogre, basically shouting. Batman didn't know what to do, so he decided to reveal himself to the ogre.
"Mah oh mah, who on des blimmin earth are yeh?"

"I am Batman. I have been the defender of this city for many years, I am asking you to leave these premises before-" Batman stood still. The ogre was right in front of the hero. The ogre was 2ft taller than him, but they were still able to make eye contact. He looked straight into Batman's eyes, he felt both of their eyes making a connection not only physically. Batman quickly shook his head. "Uhm, as I was saying, I am asking you to leave this city, you ogre!" Batman snapped, stepping back only slightly to notice a wall behind him. This was his first Kabedon.

"I'm sorreh mah mere lad, but I'm not leahving before I introduce mehself. Deh name's Shrek, I rule the swamp downtown, whuddya mind joining me tomorrow?" announced Shrek, as he leaned closer to Batman's height.
What was this feeling inside his chest? Why was it so exhilarating?
"Gladly, Shrek." stated Batman. The ogre grinned towards Batman.


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