I'm over it all
Done with these sad feelings
Done with these broken hearts
You pick up the broken toys
Just to fix and break them again
You go from long texts all day
To one worded answers every other day
What did I do to deserve this?
You make up lies and excuses
And i'm over it all
You were once always there for me
Like a firefighter is there to save a burning building
Like a doctor is there to save a patient
We were once inseparable
Like a pencil is to paper
Like time is to a clock
You were there to keep me on my feet
You were there when all i wanted to do was run
You were my flashlight
Helping me stay on the path
But things don't always work out
Fires still cause damage
Doctors cant save everyone
Pencils break and run out of lead
Clocks are sometimes wrong
And flashlights run out of batteries
Stuff breaks
People lie
You broke me and I cant anymore
This is a news flash
With three simple words
That's Just How I Feel
Poezjadecided to put a majority of my current poetry out there for people to read. Depending on how I was feeling or am feeling I write it down in a form of poetry. Some might be a bit sad and some might put some smiles on your face of maybe even make yo...