skeppy x reader

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This was another request

Your pov

There was no way he would notice me.
I just made fanart for him every day.
I always tagged him.
He never notices.
Yes he is hardly active on twitter but It stull hurts to see all other artist to be liked by the trio.
I was losing hope. I started to continue ny new artwork, it felt like forever until I finally finished, I tweeted it out.
It was slowly getting late, so I toom 1 last scroll through twiiter before I decided to go to sleep. But a notification caught my eye.
I couldnt believe it.
Skeppy followed me!
I was so excited I called my best friend Zak.
"Guess What?!??!" I sayed excitedly.
"What?" He groaned.
"I know I did," He replies.
"Wait, are you skeppy?" I asked shocked.
"How long did it take you to find out, we act and look the same," He laughed.
"I am an idot," I face palm.
"An adorable idot," He teases.
"Wow I was inlove with my favorite youtuber who ended up being my bestfriend." I grumbled.
"NOTHING!" I say in a panic.
"I love you too," He says.

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