1. Morning

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Jaehyun opened his eyes go the bright, rising sun. He sat up and stretched, enjoying the soundlessness his room seemed to hold.

After a moment, he threw his covers off and placed both feet on the floor. He grabbed his robe off the edge of the mattress and walked towards the open window.

There wasn't much to look at in the heavens. Only white shapeless blobs called clouds were seen as far as the eye can see. Sometimes you'll catch the sunrise or sunset if you're lucky.

No, the view came from Jaehyun's bed. He turns to examine the fragile looking man there, sleeping ever so soundly. Jaehyun loved this view more than any garden, any cloud, any symphony.

Soon the man began to stir and Jaehyun took a seat on the window.

"What are you looking at," the other says, sitting up with a soft smile on his face.

"You," Jaehyun responds, a small yet charming smile coming to his lips, "It's not very often you get to have the all mighty creator in your bed."

"Very funny, Jaehyun," the man says with a chuckle. He soon begins looking for his clothing items. Jaehyun grabs his shirt and hands it too him.

"I consider myself the comical type, Doyoung," Jaehyun responds, the same unwavering smile placed on his lips. Doyoung finds another smile set on his face as he puts his shirt on. In minutes he was fully dressed.

"As much as I enjoy your comical self, I must attend to my duties," Doyoung says, standing in front of Jaehyun. Their height difference was small but Jaehyun still had too look down to him.

The pair lock eyes. Everything seems to melt away for both of them. The world, the heavens, their duties.

Doyoung's eyes were a golden sea of honey in the sunlight and Jaehyun wanted to swim in them all day.

Slowly, the shorter comes closer and their lips connect. It was a quick kiss but still turned Jaehyun's heart to mush.

"I love you," Doyoung says.

"I love you more," Jaehyun responds.

With that, Doyoung is out of the room. Jaehyun watches him walk down the hallway and turn out of sight. If Doyoung had created Jaehyun with one flaw, it was that he loved him too deeply.

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗 & 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 [Dojae]Where stories live. Discover now