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AU(s): Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc - Danganronpa Another Episode

Talent: Ultimate Assassin

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Weight: 107 lbs

Chest size: 97 cm

Blood type: A

Date of birth: December 10th

Likes: The knife game, Sunsets

Dislikes: Calculus, rats


"You woke me up for this? Damn boring.. Fuck it I'm going back to sleep."

"That was almost too easy.."

"Whenever I feel sad I look at the sky.. It can be so pretty.. Sunsets are always the best, but Midnight is always amazing aswell.."

"Byakuya, you *are* my reason to live.. without you I'd be long gone.."

"Listen here.. If you don't take your petty little ass away from *my* friends, you'll wish you were being tortured to death.."

"You wanna fight me... So you have a death wish is what you're saying..?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't be better at whatever purpose I served in your life.. at least maybe now you might... find a new love.. God damn I hate that fucking thought so much but if you're happy.. I guess I can accept.. Just promise me one thing... Please don't give up and suffer the same horrible fate I did... You have to keep living.. do it.. for me..

-Your former love, Violet"

Personal status: Deceased

Cause of death: Suicide/poison

Personality/How she may react to you: When you first meet her, it really depends on your approach towards her. If you're all happy and optimistic, she'll say you're annoying and tell you to leave her alone. If you continue to annoy her, she may resort to threatening you and may pull out one of her knives on you. If you're more chill and calm, she may be slightly nicer. If you have a conversation she's interested in and she decides you're nice, she may ask to be friends or "coincidentally" hang out with you more. (Probably the second one tho tbh.) She will almost never make the first move. If she trusts you enough, you may see the happier side of her that smiles more often. She will also become very protective and a pretty good friend to have around. In terms of her backstory, she tries to steer away from that topic unless she trusts you enough. She won't go into detail but if you're closer or she trusts you, she may briefly mention it or imply it. She mostly goes into huge detail with her significant other or closest friends. (Leon, Byakuya.) When she goes into detail, it's more of a vent and she may cry just a little. She doesn't like crying in front of people and avoids it, but we all have our limits. The best thing you could do then is comfort her and make her feel how she tries to make you feel. If she asks to leave her alone, ITS PROBABLY BEST TO JUST FUCKING LEAVE HER ALONE PLEASE FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH AND SAFETY- During these moments one wrong move can result in her being angry at you. And you don't want her to get angry at you... Did I mention she has really bad anger issues that result in terrible things? Also, it's advised to not be around when she snaps. If she's about to snap, RUN FOR YOUR GOD DAMN LIFE DONT LET HER SEE YOU- I should mention, she never has breakdowns in front of people, she contains it the best she can so you never see it. She mostly waits until she's alone, same with crying. When she does get angry in front of people, she says in a very threatening either sarcastic or cold tone to do what she wants, probably holding some sort of weapon around your neck, pinning you to a wall. She is extremely sarcastic and people consider her rude for it. Sometimes people can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not, which you know... She tries to imply high self esteem but at the same time always jokes about herself, in reality her self esteem is quite low. She makes lots of mistakes, (killing-) yet feels no remorse for them. She may admit she made a mistake it and sarcastically apologize, but she never actually feels sorry and just thinks it's over and to move on.

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