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I looked around in a panic. Where was I? And where were we headed to? Who the hell were these guys, and most importantly, why were they kidnapping me?!

A few of them looked nervous and bit their nails, stealing a glance at me now and then, the others just stared ahead at the road, as if this were any normal trip out, but a silent one.

They did talk now and then, but did it in a weird a code; that's what I thought it was, it sounded to random to be a different language. 

Listening to them was the last thing I was worried about at the moment, though, I was more focused on who. The hell. They were! This angered me the most, I could tell I'd seen them before, they were on the tip of my tongue...their voices, looks...everything. But it was sort of hard seeing they had masks on that covered their noses and eyebrows. In fact, the boys looked like superheroes...but heroes didn't kidnap girls.

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