The Tomb

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Beacon academy, a place full of students who have it all. Except me, Y/n L/n.

I'm in orphan who lost so much, and gained nothing from it. I was basically raised in an orphanage and now I'm bullied every day at school by teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and CRDL. I tried talking to ozpin about but all he said was

Ozpin: to gain respect and trust, you must show them you are more than what they believe in.

WHAT COULD I EVER SHOW THEM!? They just bully me and don't even take the time of day to fully know me. The things they do to me is horrendous. Yang shoves me to the ground, Ruby kicks my chair in, weiss gives me awful insults, blake doesn't even talk to me. Jaune throws my books on the ground, Pyrrha tells me to leave and never return, Ren just gives me glares, Nora and team CRDL attack me, and Team CFVY tells me to die.

Y/n: why do they do this to me?

I sigh knowing they will look at me like I'm nothing. I get up from my bed and grab my clothes and leave to class until the intercom came one

Intercom: would team RWBY and Y/n L/n please report to the headmaster's office.

And now I have to go up to the headmaster's office with them, great. I walk down the hallway hopefully not to run into the team. I see the elevator and smile.... that's until I got shoved to the ground.

???: hello bitch boy.

I look up to see yang and her team looking at me. Yang had a smirk, blake had no expression, ruby was giggling, and weiss just glared.

Yang: awe what's wrong, aren't you happy to see us?

Y/n: I-I... was k-kinda hoping not to run in any proble-

Weiss: shut up since you dunce you! stutter Too much!

Y/n: (I only stuttered twice though)

Ruby: here let help you up.

Ruby smiles and extends her hand to me. I rech for it only to be punched in the face by yang. The sisters laughed since my nose was bleeding.

Ruby: like I would ever help you at all.

Blake: guys..... Ozpin remember?

Then all of us got on the elevator and ascended to ozpins office. With ozpin at his desk

Ozpin: aah perfect you are all here?

Weiss: what do you need sir?

Ozpin: we had strange grimm activity in a tomb in the emerald forest and we need you to go to this tomb and find out what's making the Grimm act in this strange behavior

Yang: we got this in the bag Profess.

Ruby: team RWBY won't let you down.

Ozpin: go get your things ready for your things together. Y/n go on ahead I need to speak to team RWBY

Y/n: Yes sir

I go to my room to grab my things.


We landed near the tomb and and showed a symbol on the wall next to the entrance

We landed near the tomb and and showed a symbol on the wall next to the entrance

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