-8 years ago-

3 4 1

I smiled to myself while plunking down against the rough bark of the aged willow tree. The exact same willow tree I've visited day after day ever since I could walk with my own two feet. I starred out at the glistening diamond-like water as the winter wind whistled through the dancing willow leaves. I stretched my arms out in front of me to allow the peaking sun to tickle my cold skin.

Suddenly, an abrupt crunch of leaves tore my attention away from the peaceful atmosphere as I caught my gaze with a pair of glowing green eyes. Within moments, the eyes were before me, staring down at me belonging to a teenage boy. His body was concealed head to toe in a black cloak. I slowly fumbled onto my trampling feet unable to break the trance from his mesmerizing eyes. Fear cloaked my mind as all mobility left my goosebump stricken body, in turn, replaced by numbness.

"Kate!" A voice yelled from my left as I spun to see my older brother Ron trench down the gravel path. "Where have you been?!" He interrogated crossing his arms over his chest. "It's almost 6 pm! You were supposed to be home two hours ago!" He continued ranting. 6 pm? But I only just got here... how long was that guy there for...wait...that guy...Spinning back around to look at the boy, I blinked rubbing my eyes in disbelief, where did he go? "What are you doing?" Ron demanded.

"Th..there was a man," I explained bending over to clench my bag tightly before hesitantly sliding it over my shoulders.

"A man?. Seriously, that's your excuse?! Do you know how worried Mother is?" Ron declared, his voice running thin with patience. "Just hurry up, I missed the season finale of the Simpsons for this!" Ron huffed before turning on his heel and stomping back down the path. Taking a deep breath I stumbled after Ron, turning to peer over my shoulder at the vacant willow tree.

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