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I stood before the bathroom mirror admiring my reflection with a smug smile. I've never cared much for expensive dresses that were suffocatingly tight. Instead, I had simply thrown on a black skirt and a white shirt, my blonde hair fell in curls shaping my face. Finally, to complete the look, I turned to wrap my fingers around the black trilby hat before carefully placing it on my head. "The perfect outfit for a formal occasion" I chuckled to myself.

"Alice! hurry up or we will be late!" My Mother's voice bellowed from outside the dorm door. I hastily skipped out of the bathroom passing the maids who went along completing their daily chores. Stopping before pulling the door open, I turned to the maids, gently tipping my hat towards them in a kind gesture. Finally opening the door I smiled cheekily at my mother. Her sigh echoed off the marble halls as her judging eyes studied my peculiar outfit choice.

"I'm ready!" I sang spinning forward.

"Why do you do this every time, can't you please just act your role for once?" She demanded as I trailed behind my Mother's hasted steps leading towards the ballroom.

Once reaching the corridor outside the ballroom I was rushed into the line with the other princesses next to Kaity, my former best-friend and dorm buddy.

"How much trouble did you get in for this concoction," Kaity gestured toward my outfit with a smile before tightly embracing me.

"Oh, my Mother just loved it," I answered sarcastically. Pulled away from Kaity I observed her outfit. An elegant, royal blue dress with black ankle boots, her hair delicately braided with flowers. Exactly what I expected from the Princess of Nature. "Boots?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Last time I wore high heels I had never-ending mountainous blisters" Kaity complained. Our conversation was interrupted by music playing accompanied by instructions to gracefully file into the ballroom. We passed the many rows of seats before reaching the bottom of the stage and filling down the right side of the room, all the during the boys were filled down the left. This would be a new yearly tradition, we will be forced to go through before school starts every year. This being the first time it was happening since our schools were merging together for some reason, something to do with budget cuts. I turned my attention to the boys on the other side of the room, standing proudly, staring up at the principal from the girl's school, who was giving one of her 15 minute long speeches. 

Many boring hour-long speeches from 'Important' people later. The principles began introducing the kids, starting with the boys. I didn't bother paying attention to any of their names, I already knew I wouldn't be interacting with any of the boys any time soon. Before I realised, they had started introducing the girls, I snapped my attention back when I heard Kaity's name being called.

"Kaity Bay, Princess of nature," The female principle declared, smiling at Kaity. She dreadfully looked at me, her smile molding into a frown. I weakly smiled back as the teacher continued. "Alice Cellar, Princess of Animals," I politely curtseyed, before the principle continued calling the girls names.

Princess AliceWhere stories live. Discover now