Kim Namjoon x Reader

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(A/N): this is a little angsty, just sayin. i listened to let go while writing this

Before we say goodbye let go

But I'm lost in the maze of my heart

Namjoon sat on the couch, sighing heavily. He really didn't want to do this, but he had to. What other choice did he have? He finally had the chance to debut and live out his dream after working relentlessly for years.

But on the other hand, he loved you with everything he had. You've been there for him since the beginning of his trainee days, comforting him on the days where he felt like he was getting nowhere. You're the reason why he managed to push through it all.

"Joonie?", you called out, softly placing a hand on his knee, trying to look in his eyes. Namjoon screwed his eyes shut, knowing that if he even took a glance at you, he would burst into tears. 

"Is everything okay?", you asked. Namjoon pursed his lips, trying to gather the courage to get the words to leave his mouth. His already broken heart was racing and his hands were trembling. He cleared his throat.

"(Y/N)...", he began. You sat up straight, signaling that your full attention was on him. He took a deep breath before continuing. 

"We need to break up.", he finally said. His heart stopped racing, his hands stopped trembling, and he opened his eyes. He looked over in your direction, dreading the look on your face, but it wasn't what he was expecting.

He was waiting for the tears to be streaming down your face, but when he looked your way, he was greeted with a soft, trembling smile and teary eyes. 

"It's the company, isn't it?", you asked, exhaling slowly in attempt to keep the tears in. Namjoon nodded, not trusting his voice. 

"Hey, look at me. Please?", you cooed. You held his hand with both of yours. 

"I understand. I'm so proud of you, always remember that.", you sniffled, no longer able to hold back the tears. Namjoon was never one who cry, but seeing you in this state made him so upset. 

Was he really willing to give you up in order to live out his dream?

Namjoon brought you into a tight embrace, and you willingly accepted it, realizing that it would probably be the last one in a while, or maybe even forever. 

"Thank you so much for understanding, honey. I'll have my things out by next week.", Namjoon said. You nodded, pulling away and giving him another soft smile. 

From stereo to mono, that's how the path splits

A week later, you and his members were helping Namjoon bring the last few boxes of his things to the moving truck. 

He closed the back of the moving truck, patting the door hard enough for the driver to hear it. You crossed your arms, feeling slightly awkward standing in front of him. 

"I guess this is it.", he said, looking at the ground. 

"Yep...", you sighed, "Good luck out there in Seoul. Ilsan is definitely gonna be a lot quieter without you...", you chuckled.

Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples that you always loved.

"I'll be back for you. I promise.", he said. He brought you into one more embrace.

"Hyung! We gotta go now! Traffic to Seoul is about to get worse!", one of his younger members said. 

He pulled away, leaving his hands on your shoulders and leaning in to give you one final forehead kiss. You felt your face warm up, knowing that his members and some of your neighbors were watching.

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