You're safe, I'm here

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a/n – English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes (if you spot any, feel free to point them out to me!) Also, this is the first part, the second one is coming soon

WARNINGS : attempted rape!, alcohol, mentions of drugs, angsty, swearing

Please don't read if it triggers you!

note : reader knows Peter is spider-man


Your head hurt. You felt dizzy and disoriented. There was a strange ringing in your ear and you just wanted it to stop. The music was too loud and the flashing lights didn't help your headache.

"Hey, you don't look too good. Maybe I should take you upstairs" you heard someone murmur in your ear. It was Jason – a guy you met a few hours prior at the house party you were currently at.

It was Friday night after a hard week at school and you let yourself be convinced to go to a party that some chick from school threw while her parents were away. MJ managed to persuade you. You put up a good fight but you budged after she promised Peter was going to be there as well. You have been friends with Peter for many years now – and you had a crush on him for about the same amount of time.

Once you arrived at the party you saw Peter laughing and flirting with Lisa on the couch. He barely noticed you or paid you any attention so you decided not to mope around and actually have some fun with MJ. But not too long after the party started she had to leave because of some family emergency. You offered to leave with her, but she insisted you stayed. So that's what you did.

That's when a guy asked you to dance. You recognized him – he was from your school, one year older. You didn't see any harm in dancing so you said yes. He was kind of a fuckboy but at least he was kind of fun to chat with. Besides, it's not like you had anyone else to hang out with. Peter was completely intrigued with Lisa. You could see them chatting and laughing from across the room.

While Jason was getting you a drink you could see Peter watching you and you couldn't help but blush – you knew he didn't like you back, but he gave you butterflies by only looking at you. That's when Jason came back with your drinks. You were thirsty from all the dancing so you downed your whole cup in a few gulps.

˝So I was thinking... Maybe we should take this upstairs?˝ Jason said while sneaking his arm around your waist. You could feel his arm snake under your black crop top, a little too high for your liking.

You quickly put your palms on his chest and tried to push yourself out of his grasp. ˝Look Jason I'm sorry but that's not my style and I don't like you that way. Can you please just let me go?˝ you said after failing to break free from his strong hold on you.

˝So you're just a little whore huh? Leading me on like that then playing all nice and innocent? I bet you do that to a bunch of guys. You just like teasing and leaving us dry˝ you could smell the alcohol on his breath as he spoke, his face only inches away from yours. You were starting to panic.

˝Hey let go of me!˝ you yelled. No one around seemed to notice the scene, the music was blearing and it probably looked like a completely normal and consensual scene. You continued to try to push him off you, but he was way stronger. And you were starting to feel a little dizzy. The room suddenly started spinning. You realized he probably slipped something in your drink. God, how could I have been so stupid.

"Hey, you don't look too good. Maybe I should take you upstairs" Jason's voice sounded so far away. You felt sick, like you're going to throw up. You had no strength to fight as he started to lead you out of the room and up the stairs.

˝No, please no˝ was your only weak reply, the only one your dizzy mind could muster.

˝Oh come on. I'm just getting you upstairs. It's not so noisy there. You look like you have a headache˝ his voice was mocking. It sounded like poison to your ears. You couldn't believe you were stupid enough to get yourself into a situation like this.

You could barely register a door opening and before you knew it you were laying on a bed.

˝No, no, no, please no... I-I don't want this... please˝ you kept repeating. You weren't sure if you were even saying it out loud, but the words were so loud in your head. Please don't. I don't want to. Please no. No. No. NO!

Jason's smirking face came into your line of sight. ˝Shhhhh Baby... I'm gonna make it good for you I promise... Shhhh˝ he said as he caressed your cheek. Your stomach turned and you wanted to throw up.

˝Hey! Get off of her you fucking dick!˝ a voice suddenly yelled. The next second you couldn't feel Jason's hands on you anymore and he was off of you. It was Peter's voice. You could recognize his voice anytime, even in the state you were in now. And you were never happier to hear it.

You didn't have the strength to sit up or even lift your head, but you could hear there was a fight going on. Punches were thrown and you could hear something breaking – maybe a vase.

Before you knew it there were hands on you again and you whimpered. ˝Hey shhh it's just me. Y/N, it's Peter. You're safe, I'm here˝ he said while pulling you into his chest. You went willingly and hugged back with all the strength you had left in you. You stayed like that for a while – you in his arms while he tried to calm you down.

˝Hey we should get you home, okay?˝ he said after you calmed down at least a little bit. You didn't want to go home. Your mom would freak if she saw you and you wouldn't be allowed to leave the house until you're 30. Besides, you didn't want to leave Peter. So you shook your head against his chest. ˝No. Please I don't want to go home˝.

˝Okay, I won't take you home. Don't worry. Do you want me to take to mine's? I'm sure May'll understand˝ he asked. You nodded your head.

Peter was glad he brought his web shooters. He lived only a few blocks away and with the web shooters it only took you a couple of minutes to get through his bedroom window. By the time you got there you were already half asleep so you barely registered when Peter laid you on his bed and put a blanket over your shivering frame. He was just about to go get himself a pillow and a blanket to sleep on the floor when you squeezed his wrist.

˝Please don't leave...˝ you asked him, only barely still awake.

˝I'm just getting a pillow and a blanket to sleep on the floor. I'll be right back, I promise˝

˝I-I just... Just.... Hold me please?˝ you stuttered. You clearly weren't thinking straight – no way would you have enough guts to ask him that in a normal situation. But this wasn't a normal situation. You were scared, shocked, exhausted and still kind of high. Peter only nodded before turning off the light and climbing in next to you.

You cuddled into his chest as he wrapped hisstrong arms around you. You felt so safe there that sleep came easily, evenafter the night's traumatic events.


Hope you liked it :) Feedback is welcome!

Part 2 is coming up really soon

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