Part 9

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" I was a spy, saving your life. There's people who know your family, and you have a bad family. When I liked you, I wanted to know more about you, so I looked up your name, and your family. There's a lot I don't think they've explained to you. " he says, trying to change the subject.

"My family is gone. I haven't seen them since I was 8. I've been living with my grandma, but she died this year, so that's why I've gotten a job. There's always these same looking people wanting to know more about me and ordering the most expensive meal that money can buy." She replies.

" Those aren't just people. That couple is your mom and dad. They want to take you to be like them." He tries to explain. " They're different than us. Like foreign. They want to hurt and kill you so they can become rich and powerful."

She now knows what's going on. Her parents are murderers. They were in jail since she was 8 and her grandma saved her.

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