" I don't understand it Jimmy. All of these tire shops around town and we still end up with eight cars in the fucking parking-lot before eight A.M.",said John as he took a sip of his charcoal black coffee. " Well sir... I guess that's good for business.", said Jimmy as he flipped through a hefty stack of paper work ."I might just close up early today . After all, it is the friday before easter weekend. I have reasons to be at home anyways." , said John. "And what might those reasons be sir?" , Jimmy questioned." My coils finally came in so I can get the ole wifey running again" , John said while finishing off the last gulp of coffee. " Sir if you keep calling that 66 mustang your wife people around here are going to start believing it", Jimmy giggled . "She's all a man can ask for Jimmy", John said as he walked out the backdoor leading to the workshop. "Yes sir, yes sir indeed...." Jimmy mumbled as he unlocked the front door to the now sweaty customers. John miles is a man you would call a grease monkey. He lives and breathes cars. Not just any cars, fast cars. John miles was a retired engineer for the ford motor company who decided to take over his father's business when he passed away. Even though he couldn't be apart of the engineering process of making these cars , he still loved to drive them. John was always up for a challenge and being that so he found himself with a lot....A LOT of speeding tickets. That never held him back though. Being that he was always so busy under the hood he didn't have much a social life. No wife or kids had came upon him in his thirty two years of life. Little did he know, all of thatwas about to change.