2. Expedition To Earth

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"Adalyn!" She heard a familiar voice call out, as she stood at the door of the hall, staring at the boy, how? She'd never even seen him before, yet he was in her dream. What kind of force was doing this? Was she supposed to know him? A million questions flooded her positive mind.

"Adalyn!" Her mother finally called out, and her gaze, along with her train of thoughts was broken, "Adalyn, dear, wound you mind coming in?"

"Yes, yes sorry," she awkwardly moved forward, greeted the duchess and the boy and sat next to her  mother on one of the big armchairs. 

Unable to meet his eyes, after the awkward moment, she moved her gazed downward. 

The duchess continued talking to her mother and she could feel the boy staring at her. 

"Adalyn, would you mind taking Ryan here, for a tour ?"

'Yes, of course." She headed toward the door and he followed, as soon as  they came out, he started talking. 

"Let's not make this awkward. I know we're royalty, but that doesn't mean we have to be so formal. Hi, I'm Ryan," he extended his hand.

"Adalyn, please to meet you." 

"Same here."

As they walked, Ryan asked, "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Not at all."

"Why did you stare at me? When you first entered I mean."

"I, I'm sorry if I was rude, it's just that, I saw you in a dream." She remained quiet for a moment "they say that the mind doesn't invent faces, in dreams you only see faces you've seen before, I've never seen you before!"  She stared at him, he was looking down, he seemed about her age, maybe a month older, he was fair and had brown hair, as well as green eyes.

He finally spoke, "that's weird, I know, but I'm sure there's a logical explanation, maybe something related to your Silac."

A Silac was an ability or a power each member of a royal bloodline had. Adalyn hadn't gotten her Silac yet, all members usually got it at her age but she still hadn't."

"Uh, probably not, since I haven't gotten my Silac yet, have you?"

"Uh, yeah, super strength," there was an awkward silence between them both for a long time before Adalyn finally spoke.

"I was wondering...you have siblings, don't you?"

"Yeah, I have a younger sister, but she's sick, so..."


They finally reached the last part of the tour, which was Adalyn's penthouse,they went in, 

"Ah, Nice penthouse,"


They looked at the window, it was sunset, Adalyn had no idea they were out for so long, but then again, the palace was  huge

They headed for the balcony, and sat there, for a long time, watching the sunset.

The air was tense, and then it hit her in the head, this was the moment, she'd had a vision earlier! It wasn't a dream, but that meant...the explosion would happen soon! 

"Ryan! We have to go now!" She ran towards the door and Ryan followed, confused, as soon as they were out of the pent house, they heard the explosion, and they saw Aiden come  running toward them from behind.

"Adalyn, are you okay? Ryan?" They both nodded, "A rocket, it landed on the outskirts of Ethereal, nearly destroyed one of the markets!" 

"But, but dad was there just 2 hours ago! Is he okay?"

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