Chapter One

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        With my eyes scanning the blur of trees in the dense forest, I tried to gather my thoughts about this whole ordeal. The jerking of the contents within the old worn out pickup truck, along with the humming of its engine were the only sounds to be heard. Well, that and the all too familiar snoring coming from my right. I glance over to see my two companions fast asleep. Kyle had his head at an odd angle against the window near him. His younger brother was sprawled over his lap with what I suspected, was drool coming out of the side of his mouth.  His dirty blond hair, identical to his brother's, was an unruly filthy mess, which was not surprising seeing as we were on the road for about three days without so much as a shower.

        Thinking about my cleanliness, or lack thereof, brought me back to the sole reason why I was even on my way to the Blackmoon pack. Even thinking the name of this pack sent shivers of fear down my spine. An anxious sigh escaped my lips while I rested my forehead against the cool glass of the window.  Everything about the surroundings had me feeling on edge as the woods outside the window was shrouded in darkness due to the thick canopy of trees above which blocked out any light the moon promised to give. Every second that ticked by had me feeling more and more uneasy.

        Once again, the thought that coming here was a huge mistake entered my mind for the millionth time since I left my small town.  It was not the fact that the Blackmoon pack was one of the most powerful packs in all of America. It was not the fact that they were known to be ruthless and cold. It was not even due to the rumour going around about them wiping out the most feared set of rogues without even breaking a sweat. No, it was not about any of those things at all. It was about who the alpha of this pack was. No, not who but what. Luckily however, the voice of the driver stopped me from drowning in my frightening thoughts.

        I quickly looked up to see deep brown eyes staring into my own mismatched ones from the rear view mirror.

        "We will be nearing the pack border in a few minutes." he repeated, obviously aware that I missed what he said the first time. Giving him a quick nod, I reverted to looking out the window once more. Feeling his eyes still on me, I looked up a second time to see them widen in surprise and curiosity. The surprise was probably due to the fact that I had caught him staring. The curiosity however, was most definitely caused by the colour of my eyes.

        "You should keep your eyes on the road." I quietly murmured, knowing that he would hear me with his advanced hearing.

        Without hesitation, he quickly turned his attention back on the road, more than likely embarrassed that he had been caught staring. Another sigh tumbled out of me unintentionally. I had almost forgotten the reaction people had to my eyes. Almost.  I  guess I was just accustomed to my contact lenses and people looking at me like I was normal.

        When I went to the Beckman Memorial School outside my village, one of the only human schools in the area, I was seen as an equal. Just another harmless eighteen year old girl who came to school to learn and fail many maths classes. However, the moment I returned to my village after school, the stares and whispers followed. I am not going to lie, I know I am a very skilled healer. The large amount of people that came to my village looking for me to help cure their sicknesses and heal their love ones was enough to prove this point. Try as I might though, I could not seem to get used to the barrier this created between me and my village. All of the children avoided me like the plague. I could not fully blame them however, what with their parents telling them I was some sort of evil witch who would curse them the moment my evil blue and yellow eyes landed on their very souls...I mean really? What kind of parents even told their children those kinds of things anyway? My father took the isolation much better than I did. Whenever he went into town, he would smile at everyone he passed, even if they went tripping over their shoes to get away from him.

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