Chapter Two

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        I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to do or what to say. I'm not even sure I remembered how to breathe as my lungs started to protest against me for depriving them of oxygen. The only thing I could successfully focus on was the red. The pure red intense gaze of him... my mate.

        His eyes pierced through me. They are unlike any I've ever seen before. That's saying something coming from me, the healer girl with the weird eyes. It's not because of the colour but the way they looked at you with their unwavering strength and...power.

         He just continues to stare at me. Not at my face but into my eyes. I could feel my body start to shake, not only from the cold, but from the fear and the strange tingling feelings I was experiencing all over my body as well. Yes, I was terrified of my mate, but who could blame me? He was the vampire alpha. He was extremely powerful. I could easily feel it. Heck, anyone within a ten mile radius could probably feel it.

         His eyes then began to move, travelling the rest of my face.  He started to scan every feature fleetingly and although his careful gaze did not stay on a particular area for too long, I could tell he was committing every plane to memory.

         He continued his scrutiny quickly down the rest of my body- not an area was left untouched.  My body stood rigid under his eyes' movement. After reaching my sneaker- clad feet, my eyes caught his own once more.  I froze.  I did not know what to do nor could I even fathom what to say.  I could see my laboured breath bellowing in front of my face. 

         This was just too much.  My emotions were all over the place, impossible to block out.  I closed my eyes again.  It was the only way I was allowed to avoid is unnerving gaze.   I swallowed as I tried to calm myself.  My throat felt like sandpaper and I felt completely overwhelmed.   I did not know whether to obey my mind and push him away only to run off screaming like a banshee, or to listen to my screaming heart which was telling me to move closer to his towering frame and lean against his flawless muscles that could be seen through the restricting material of his black dress-shirt.

         There was a slight movement in front of me which I knew was him even with my eyes closed.  My body just seemed to react to him, alerting me whenever he was near to me.  Long slender finders were encasing the back of my head bringing me onto a firm muscled chest.  A sigh left my lips as my forehead connected with him.  Even through the material of his shirt I could feel the tingles of being pressed to his body.  His nicely toned body.  I molded perfectly to him as his arms cocooned me gently- one cradling my head to his chest and the other holding my waist and pressing it firmly against the contours of his body. 

        I took a deep breath, taking in his scent.  He smelled utterly fantastic.  My hands slowly moved up to gently grip the material of his shirt.  The tension that once held me captive was all drained away by his touch.  I found myself sagging against him, completely submitting to the tingly sensations taking me over entirely.  I barely registered the tugs I felt in my hair as I moved impossibly closer to him.  When I felt my straight hair tumble down my back and onto my shoulders, I realized that he had removed my hair band, successfully releasing my dark mass of brunette from its restriction.  Feeling his smooth fingers gently running through the strands of my hair made me feel like sleeping right there.  If a war was to break out here and then, I don't think I would have noticed.   I was too caught up in the feelings I was experiencing to notice anything now.

         A gentle insisting tug of my hair made me tilt my head and open my eyes to my glorious mate, his eyes again being the first thing to catch my attention.  However, the initial reaction of fear seemed to be at the back of my mind.  I was way too relaxed and comfortable in his arms to study anything other than him.  It was now my turn to study him, and study I did.  He was... perfection.   His hair was black but it wasn't a normal black.   It was the richest, shiniest black my eyes ever had the pleasure of seeing.  My hand twitched, wanting to run through the soft mass of curls that crowded the top of his head, only to straighten out as they neared the sides and probably the back.   Moving from his hair, my eyes once again met his ruby eyes.  They were stunning.  He was stunning.  He was so stunning that I found my hand rising to softly caress his face just to make sure he was actually real and not just a figment of my cruel imagination.

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