Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

Fanboy and his best friend ChumChum walked the halls of Galaxy Hills Highschool. It's their senior year. The boys had changed a lot since they're elementary days. They wear similar costumes to what they used to, but their styles have definitely changed.

Fanboy used to wear purple and green, but now has opted for softer colors like pastel pinks and yellows.

ChumChum being the one who normally wears yellows and oranges, has changed to a more skater look. Flannels, beanies, etc.

"It's crazy to think this is our last year here, just yesterday it felt like we got stuck in that kindergarten." Claimed ChumChum making his taller friend laugh.

"Yeah it's crazy, like how it feels like as soon as we walk out of here Boog will 'bop us' and that Kyle just moved here... It's insane how fast time goes by."

"Kyle? Why're you talking about him all of a sudden?"

"Uhh cause he's our friend? We've known him since forever I think it'd be weird not to talk about him."

ChumChum just rolled his eyes as Kyle walked up leaning against the lockers. They weren't the only boys who'd changed a lot.

Kyle got his braces off freshman year. He still had a semi-emo look although he preferred to call it 'punk'. He still practiced wizardry but he wasn't as serious about it as before as he learned to accept he'd never be accepted back into milkweed academy. "Hey Fanboy.... ChumChum."

"Hi Kyle, what's up?" As fanboy and the redhead talked ChumChum could feel the jealousy boiling up. 'He's my friend' he thought. 'Fanboy should be talking to me, not that fake wannabe emo. Kyle never even liked him! He always hated us.'



"Kyle and I wanted to know if you wanted to see a movie with us after school.... You okay buddy?" Fanboy looked over at him with concern making ChumChum a bit nervous.

"Uh-yeah I'm fine. What movie?"

"The new man-Arctica one! They're making a sequel to the reboot of the prequel trilogy's spinoff!" Fanboy smiled wide still having his deep love for man-artica.

"I'd love to. It's gonna be great to hang out..."

"Great, I'll see you both there, ChumChum, see you fanboy." Kyle gave the taller one a smile and walked off to whatever class he was supposed to be going to.

Fanboy couldn't help but stare, his heart rate increasing. 'That smile...' he thought, his eyes slightly wider than before out of shock.

Soon he found the strength in his legs to walk to class with ChumChum, the thought of Kyle running through his head.

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