Tords dirty secret

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After the loss of his love, Hatsune Miku, Tord knew he would have to find new ways to keep himself occupied. Tord tried knitting, painting, reading, hell he even tried skiing. But to no avail. Tord still felt nothing but sorrow. That night Tord tried to get some good night rest, hoping that sleep night help him forget the loss of his beloved. Tord sat down,the bed creaking with the more and more body waiting he sat onto the bed. "Hey! What's the-" the mysterious voice burped in between sentences. "-big idea! Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here?" The voice sounded muffled. Tord scanned the room around him. Trying to find the source of that noise. "Under here!" The voice called from seemingly under Tords fat. Tord lifted up his on of many fat rolls reveling a pickle. "Oh a pickle! I am pretty hungry after a long hard day of crying!" Tord picked up the pickle, but then instantly dropped it once seeing that the pickle had a face. "What the fuck??" The Norwegian cursed out loud. Now upset to see his meal was still alive. "Who-" the Norwegian paused, "no, no, no, what are you?" Pickle looked at, Tord. The pickles eyes glistening. His skin one of the most loveliest shades of green he had ever seen. "I'm *burp* pickle rick!" the pickle said, now sitting up. Tord was now beyond confused, what was a talking pickle doing in his room? "how were you turned into a, uh, pickle?" The Norwegian asked more confused then anything. "Well you see *burp* I drank this potion that *burp* turned me into a pickle, because I didn't want to go to family therapy." "Understandable" the Norwegian said, while nodding in agreement. "So then I called my grandson *burp* morty into the room. And I said morty look at me. I'm pickle rick! Tord did have to admit, the pickle was kind of attractive. But he knew that they're love would never be. Because no one could ever replace Hatsune Miku. "You *burp* want to fuck me don't you?" The pickle asked with a cheek smirk plastered across his face. "What!? I uh-" Tord was cut off by the pickle, "shhhh its okay *burp* baby. Everyone wants a piece of Rick." This made Tord blush and hide his face in his man boobs. "Oh pickle rick!" "please, call me Rick." The pickle said with lust in his voice. Tord soon found himself passionately kissing rick into the night. "Take off *burp* your clothes" pickle rick barked at Tord. Tord began undressing, but then stopped. "No, no, no. This isn't right Rick." Rick let out an irritated groan. "Tord listen to me. She's gone. She's not coming back. You can't be stuck in the past when the present is right here, right now. With you and me. Tord I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Just then Rick coughed up a diamond ring and got on one nonexistent knee. "Tord, will you make me the happiest pickle alive and marry me?" Tord began sobbing tears of joy. "Yes! Of course I will!" Rick slipped the ring onto Tord's obese sausage fingers. "Its a perfect fit!" Tord cried out in tears of joy.

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