--Chapter 1--

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((TRIGGER WARNING, and this escalates quickly))

Lying on the ground, I hissed in pain as my horrible excuse of a father stumbled away. Drunk off his ass..

"..damnit..." I cried quietly, holding my arm as it bled.

"ONCE YOUR DONE BEING A LAZY SLUT, CLEAN UP THE LIVING ROOM!! IT'S DISGUSTING!" Mother yelled from the kitchen, while I slowly came back up to my feet.

"Stupid bitch.." Whispering, a slowly came up to my feet. Glaring at the spot where my father just stood, wishing to just punch the air.

---3rd Person POV---

(Y/n) stumbled into the bathroom, shutting the bathroom door behind her as she sighed.

"I'm surprised I'm not used to this by now.." She muttered to herself, opening the cabinet beneath the sink.

'You shouldn't be used to it anyway'

"I only have a couple of weeks before I can legally leave.." She mused, grabbing the metal tweezers and rinsing them off.

'Why not run away then wait for that time to go by?'

"I wouldn't be able to survive. And they would probably find me anyway"

(Y/n) began removing the glass from her arm, tears pricking the corner of her eyes as she winced.

'They don't deserve you'

'They don't have the right to scar such a beauty'

"Tom, we've talked about this" The female interjected before biting her lower lip, tugging at a smaller shard lodged in her arm.

'I know but- gently (Y/n), don't rip it out'

"I'm trying, now can you please shut up?" She growled before yelping. Lifting the small, bloody, piece of glass to her eye level with the tweezers.


'May I speak now?'


(Y/n) picked up the empty bottles and left over take out containers, scrunching up her face in disgust.


She chuckled quietly, making her father look over with his eyebrow arched.

"Crazy brat..." He mumbled, looking back over at the television.

'I hope he gets alcohol poisoning'

'Stupid, child abusing, dick'

She blinked, shaking her head, "..Tom... be quiet.."

'What's so bad about me wanting to strangle him?'

---Your POV---

"Tom, you cant keep distracting me like that. You'll end up getting me in trouble" I mumbled, throwing the knife a few feet ahead of me.

It lodged itself in the tree, bringing a grin to my face.

"Nice job" The shadow poked his head over my shoulder, making me scoff.

"Don't say that" I smiled slightly, but inwardly hated the small compliment.

"Why? It's fun throwing you off" He chuckled, appearing behind the tree I'd thrown the blade at.

Aiming another one of the throwing knives at his head, I smirked, "Im glad that you're enjoying yourself then"

Out of My Mind (Yandere! Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now