Angel In The Rain

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*Note: At the end of the story


- I don’t want to be alone right now.

Hyeyoon quietly whispers before quickly putting the phone down and her voice cracks. Everything is falling apart. Life is tough, she understands. It’s not like Hyeyoon hasn’t been up and down before. She knew the taste of sweet and sour, of tears when every single path that she chose felt wrong. She knew she was not the only one that was suffering from life. She knew she had not worked that hard to have a right to complain. She knew she had to be strong since she undeniably had not moved far from the starting line, she’s still nobody.  She knew it all. But then again tonight, she just wants to erase all her thoughts and problems, leaving only a broken soul curling in the dark room by itself with heavy rain thumping against the window. When the sun rises, she will be alright again.

And yet, she was murmuring those words to him.

She did not know why.

She does not want to know why.

She just can’t take any more pain…

Her doorbell rings. The sound rips off the thick, cold air surrounding Hyeyoon. She plans to leave them there, whoever is waiting for her outside. The ring stops. Silence and cold air once again thicken the room. She’s starting to feel the water behind closed eyes.

- Hyeyoon ah…

Hyeyoon jolts awake and stares at the door. That voice. The voice appears in her dream every night, the voice she yearns to hear everyday, the voice that’s scarily familiar to her day by day is right behind that closed door.

Hyeyoon slowly moves to the entry, she can feel the tremble while holding the door knob. It is impossible, he is impossible. Just her head playing with her feelings…


Drenching by a soaking Seoul night, rain dripping from the soft curls going down covering his eyes, his cheeks flushed where the cold winds kissed, his breathing heavy and sounds like her name just right.

An angel.

He comes and brings the light into her darkness, he stares at her the way she wishes he didn’t. The angel spreads no wings. Instead, he opens his arms, pulls Hyeyoon in.

- I’m here.

His embrace warms her shivering. His voice sets tears into her eyes. He gently strokes her head, his fingertips come through her hair.

- I’m here.

His existence makes her scared as she realizes how much she needs it.

How much I want it.

Hyeyoon knows it’s not right. She knows this can put a risk to both of their lives.

But just like her thoughts, tonight she does not want to know.

Hyeyoon buries her face into Rowoon’s chest, pretending he didn’t already hear her voice cracked and see her eyes filled with tears. Pretending he can stay the night to warm the loneliness.

Pretending you are mine.

Hyeyoon inhales the scents embracing her- Seoul night, rain and him, inhales too the soft whisper beside her ears.

- I will never leave you alone.


Note: This is my first time writing a story in English, which is not my first language so I'll really appreciate if you can point out my mistakes or suggest better word-use for me ^^

Thank you for reading !

Angel In The Rain (Extraordinary You: Danharu)Where stories live. Discover now