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Patton is a bubbling ball of happiness. At least, he used to be. He still is, but the happiness is fading along with his hope of recovery. When he was first told he had cancer a few years ago, he wasn't scared. He took it as a wake-up call, to achive his dreams. The only problem is, he's still in high school and can't do much on his own. His mom, Teresa works the day shift at a daycare and the night shift at a factory to cover for their everyday costs and Patton's chemo-therapy. His dad left when he was much younger, so it was just Patton and his mother.

Patton has friends, sure. He has Roman, who he considers to be his best friend, and some people from the cheer squad, which he is also apart of. He often likes to busy himself and his mind by doing extra-curricular activities. He's class president, he's captain of the cheer squad, he plays viola, and he sings in choir. His life is so busy, he almost forgets about his cancer.

Logan on the other hand is the complete opposite. He is what Roman and some of the other populars call a "nerd". He doesn't really have friends, nor does he want any. He preferes to stay alone, working on homework or reading a book. He's described as "cold" or "a walking encyclopedia" or even "a living dictionary". Not many people could get him to open up, but when they did it's not like much was there. He likes to push down his feelings instead of showing them as heavily as someone like Patton. He has two moms, Kim and Cam. Kim works as oncologist, or someone who specializes in cancer. She also happens to be Patton's doctor. Cam works as an engineer at Boeing, building and designing airplanes.

Logan has a very boring and normal life, the same everyday routine. Until a week ago. His mom was able to get him an internship under her at the local hospital, since he also wanted to be a doctor. He starts today after school, which is where the story starts.

Hey guys! How do you all like the story so far? I know it's just the Prologe, but I'm really excited to see where this story goes! Okay, bye now!!

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