Chapter 3

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"@RandomThoughts: "Bored? Simply send a text message To a random number saying: "I'm Pregnant"."


Chapter 3

After my first kiss with this guy that I now liked, Miles then took my hand so we could go sit down and eat.

"So babes," Mile then started as we ate,

"Yes boyfriend," I quickly said back to him with a silly grin gracing my face as I bit into the delicious pancake.

"There is something more that I need to tell you about." He then said but now with a serious expression which sobered me up too.

I nodded for him to go on.

"Have you ever wondered where I go to whenever I leave you alone for days," he then said.

I had actually wondered what he was up to when he would leave for some trips but I never cared enough to dig deeper. I would stay behind and get busy stealing. I trusted Miles and felt he deserved to have his own space to do whatever he wanted,

"I go to be with my pack." As soon as he said that I looked at my boyfriend with one eyebrow raised up.

"Pack? What do you mean by that? Is it like a gang?" I then said to him with many questions spilling out.

"No, this is going to sound crazy but bear it with me," he then said and I nodded that I would try. Plus, I had never seen Miles this nervous.

"By pack I mean Werewolves. I am a werewolf and so are you." As soon as he finished his sentence, I could not help but burst into laughter.

"Okay Miles, that was a good one, I almost fell for it," I then shouted between laughter at his attempt to make a joke.

"I am serious," Miles then said to me in reply with a serious face that said he was not joking. I quickly glanced at him with wide eyes.

Was he really trying to make me believe that first, Werewolves actually existed? That he was one and I was one too? What a joke. As if, I had a hobby of turning into some furry wolf. If I did, I am sure I would have noticed. Things like that just did not exist plain and simple!

"I see you do not believe me. I guess I will have to show you then." He then said while standing up. And then he started taking off his clothes causing me to quickly turn around with a squeak. I was so not ready for that stage yet, seeing him naked and doing you know what.

"Miles put on your damn clothes!" I quickly shouted with my eyes closed and facing away.

"Zendaya, turn around and look at me. How can I show you if you are not seeing it with your own eyes?" He then said in reply, making me squeal again in embarrassment at the thought of what he was trying to make me see. Why could he not understand that I was not ready for that?

"I am not ready to do anything sexual Miles, please put your clothes on." I then quickly shouted hoping to get the point across.

"Whaat, No it's not about that!" I then heard Mile's voice spluttering in shock.

"Aha," I quickly replied in unbelief with a scoff while still not looking. Why else was he wanting me to look at him naked for?

I then heard some shuffling.

"I am only shirtless and wearing my briefs, can you turn around now," he then said making me turn around and open my eyes.

I gave his well-built abs a quick glance and then finally stared at his face.

"No turning away this time, you will keep your eyes open and see this," he then said to me with fierce eyes and I nodded that I would do so.

It was then the weirdest thing to ever happen in my life, started happening.

First, I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I was seeing correctly. Was Miles really and actually shifting into some BLOODY WOLF!!!! Right before my eyes.


I first stood there speechless as I stared at the huge abnormally sized Wolf with its black Midnight fur as it stood in the place where Miles had just been standing a minute ago.

I opened my mouth to talk but not a single word could come out. I also did not know how to feel as I stared at the huge Wolf while it also stared back at me with its eerily green eyes that matched exactly with Mile's eyes. The human intelligence shining in them was proof enough for me to know this was not an ordinary normal animal Wolf.

I felt as if my mind was going into overdrive trying to process this abnormality that had just happened.

I then heard the cracking of bones again as Miles shifted back to his human form. I winced which each crack, it all sounded painful to go through.

He quickly reached for his clothes and put them on.

"Do you believe me now?" He then said as I continued staring at him in shock. I then nodded slowly, unable to talk. I definitely did believe it now. Bloody WEREWOLVES actually existed!

But wait, if they did...did that mean what he said about me being one was true? As I thought that last sentence, I could not help but feel as if my head was spinning again from thinking too much. I eagerly accepted darkness as I fell unconscious and fainted.

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