Chapter 8

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"@RandomThoughts: "  I DO WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT, WHEREVER I WANT... As long as my mom says it is ok..."


Chapter 8

The Real Werewolf Princess, Ariana POV

"Hello, Princess." Ariana thought about ignoring the greeting from the Beta King,

Being a Werewolf Princess had its ups and downs. But Ariana was always grateful to have been blessed with the wonderful parents she had. She knew they would give her the whole world too if they could.

She was the most beloved Princess in the Kingdom. Anything she wanted, she got. The most expensive clothes, being thrown extravaganza parties to having many subjects ready to do anything she asked. You could say she was a very spoilt child.

Right now, she was just getting out of her personalized pink-colored limo and being flanked by her werewolf bodyguards,

She was very pissed off. This week was supposed to have been the best one of her life. She was supposed to have arrived early at the Vampire Castle, to prepare for this expensive celebrity-filled party which was being hosted in honor of her at the Vampire Castle by her Vampire cousins.

They were the New Vampire Kings and Queen Sonia's sons. Whenever she visited, they loved spoiling her too. She was like the little sister they had never had.

She was proud of them for the way they had taken up their responsibilities of ruling and being very good kings. She knew that soon she would be ruling too as Werewolf Queen, being the only heir of her father, it was obvious that she was inheriting the werewolf throne after him.

He had already started hinting on it, making her start attending meetings on important werewolf matters. Having her make decisions on what to do, to having tutors teach her about diplomacy and politics. Although she could never admit to him, most of the stuff bored her. She preferred talking about the latest trends or gossiping with her friends.

"So why back so early?" Ariana stared at the Beta King, wondering since when had he started this thing of doing small talks with her. Its not that she hated the man, he was, of course, her Father's best friend and second in command, but when it came to her, he was always acting strict and emotionless. So, they never really connected.

The Beta King trying to make small talk with her was very suspicious indeed, she actually started wondering what he was trying to stall her for. There was also the way he kept on looking at his phone. Looking to be texting someone and frustrated.

"If you must KNOW, my car broke down and there was no signal too. We got freaking stranded in the middle of nowhere. So, I made one of my guards, run in wolf form to the nearest town and bring a mechanic. The stupid guard took his time too, making us wait really long. I came back to take a bath, change into a new outfit, and then I leave." Ariana then said forcing herself to reply while rolling her eyes at him.

"Your best friends, Brenda and Brianna are waiting for you by the pool." He then said stiffly and finally left.

Ariana quickly forgot about his weird behavior at the mention of her two best friends and quickly ran heading for the pool to go meet them. She had really missed them and wanted to tell them all about her car breakdown. She was totally going to make her father fire their car mechanic and the driver too. After all, because of them, her day had gotten ruined.

Upon entering the pool room, Princess Ariana quickly saw her two girls and ran squealing excitedly to give them hugs. She then looked at both her girls with surprise as neither one looked happy to see her.

"What did I do?" Arian quickly said asking them,

"Don't pretend like you do not know," Brenda then said while glaring at her.

"I really do not know why you guys are looking angry with me, please tell me." Princess Ariana decided to plead with her friends. She really had never seen them this angry.

"Like girl, you passed by us earlier then when we called out to you, you ignored us and kept walking away. So we ran and caught up to you, only for you to call us the wrong names, and tell us to leave you alone." Brianna then said in reply.

"What are you guys talking about! I just arrived right now!" Princess Arianna quickly shouted in reply. But her friends quickly gave her the look that said they did not believe her.

Feeling frustrated with the way they were behaving when she did nothing wrong, Ariana quickly turned around and headed through the passageway to her room, leaving her bad lying friends behind.

Another weird thing then happened as soon as she entered her room. She noticed things that someone who had owned and slept in a room all their life would notice.

First was the crease on her bed, as if someone was just lying on it a minute ago. Then there was the gown on the floor. She never ever left anything dirty on the floor, she was a clean freak for a reason. Her servants would never dare wear or try on her dresses too. It was then that Ariana heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she quickly shouted.

In then came the royal chef with a waiter holding different types and flavors of pancakes.

"Here is your food, as you ordered your majesty." The royal chef then uttered while looking at his masterpieces with pride.

"What the Hell is this??? I never ordered any bloody pancakes. And in case you have forgotten, I DO NOT EAT CARBS!!! I am on a FREAKING DIET!!!" Princess Ariana finally blew up, tired of all the confusing stuff that was happening. People telling her she did this and that when she never did it.

Upon being shouted at by the Princess, both the waiter and the Chef quickly turned around and left with the food in a rush. The Princess quickly closed the door shut with a bang. Then she lay on her bed feeling like almost pulling her hair.

She then heard a ping from her phone and quickly pulled it out to check the message, a loud scream could be heard coming from her as she read what the message said.

~Since you broke up with me earlier, I am dumping you too for Stephany. -Cody

" What the hell is HAPPENING!" Princess Arianna quickly shouted while now pacing around in her room.

What is it her? Had she done all that and then suffered from amnesia? Or was everyone just playing a really bad and not so funny prank on her? Plus how the hell had she lost sexy Cody to that bloody bitch, her cousin nemesis Stephany?

She then decided to go see her father and mother, maybe they could help her solve this.

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