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"I had a great night, M." Evie grins, a little too much as the fairy smirks, "Anything for you. Oh, and is it okay if I take Jay and Gil out tomorrow? Do you want to join?" She asked, referring to their little travels, the sorceress shakes her head, "I'd catch up with Audrey, I'll be fine, babe."

Evie flushed, stuttering a little as she realized what just came out of her damned mouth. "What?" Mal asks, her voice a little shaky as Evie gapes at her, trying to comprehend and do some damage control. 

"I- I'm going to take a shower." She mumbles before getting away from the fairy, all the while, staring at her as she left. "Babe. Huh." Mal smiles to herself before changing into her nightwear. 

Evie bites her lip, her back pressed on the door as she slumps down, shoving down all the butterflies she felt in her stomach before taking a shower. 

"E, I'm leaving!" Mal announces while Evie was on the balcony, when the door closed, she let herself relax. 

Love wasn't exactly a thing to be taught on the Isle. It was just a mere hoax, a dream, if you will. 

No one had really experienced that, no one except the children of those who actually wanted a better life for their family. Celia, for example. 

Villain Kids have no clue to what love is and they don't exactly know how to. Or at least, that's until they met the people who've changed them. 

"God, Mal, what are you doing to me?" She whispers to herself, closing her eyes as she took in the view that is Scotland. She didn't even notice the opening of the door and the figure beside her. 

"Hey." It was soft, gentle, a voice she could always trust. A voice that always trusted her even if she was the daughter of a god forsaken villain who nearly killed an innocent young girl because of envy. 

"Hey." She replies, smiling at the young King who held this innocent look, one he always wore with pride. Evie stares at him, furrowing her eyebrows at the sight of a gash on his neck down. "Ben, who the fuck did that to you?"

He shakes his head and waves her off, "It's nothing, Eves, I promise. Just a little thing you do for love." He sighs, staring at the rising sun while Evie's heart paced. "Love?" 

"Yeah, love. Don't tell me you don't know what love is after everything you and Mal have?" He asks silently, Evie flinches yet not enough for Ben to notice. She just, shrugs. 

"Tell me, Ben. What is love like to you?" She asks above a whisper while Ben chuckles, "You remember the time I went through hell and back just so I could get the four of you off of the Isle?" He asks, Evie nods. 

"Love is doing anything for the person you're in love with. Even if it meant that you'd go through hell and back." He adds while Evie stares at him blankly, urging him to go on, "It doesn't matter, what anyone else says, because caring for them makes you happy and you'll go through everything despite the amount of pain you have to endure, just because you're in love with them."

"I would know, I've been like this for a while." He ends while Evie chuckles, then her face turned serious, "Oh my god, are you in love with the four of us?" She asks in disbelief while Ben looks at her horrified, "No! No, It's- It's Harry."

Evie scoffs in surprise, "Oh my, I knew it!" She grins triumphantly before pulling Ben in a hug, the King wincing a little as Evie presses down on his wound. "Oh, right, sorry." She apologizes, Ben just shakes his head, "So, is that how you feel with Mal?" 

She only smiles, "I think so." 

They talk for a few more hours before Ben had to leave with Lonnie, both about to go in a treasure hunting while Evie walks around the pool deck, just enough to see Jane watching over the little kids swimming as she read through the pages of her History book. 

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