Chapter Nine part one.

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(I CHANGED THE COVER!!!! DO YALL LIKE?) And this chater might confuz you. Sorry. 



I woke up in a meadow. The grass is tall, theres flowers everywere, And the sunset in the sky is Maroon and Purple. I look around for some sort of life. Nothing. I can see nothing except tall grass and butter flys. Dont forget the tall seeping willow tree. 

"Hello?" I shoutouted. But something in my head said makeing any noise was a bad idea.

Then I heard it; I heard a long and loud soul ripping, growl. I new that growl. A Tiger. 

I heard sneeky footsteps along the dirt path. Crap. It's coming near. 

I made a ran for it. I didnt want to be a tigers dinner! 

When I though i ran for miles; a rock--- No. A small pepple--- Was in my way. I tripped over, and looked up. I saw a deep tiger above me. I screamed....


I saw bright white walls everywhere. a hospital. I was still screaming because I was merilly convinsed the tiger was still chasing me. I wailed in my hosipital bed. 

Need to get out of here before that devil tiger eats me. 

Then I hear it. It wasnt a growl. It was beeping. 





"Lily, can you hear me?!" I heard Louis, my brother scream. Oh my god. It was just a nightmere. Thank god! 

I look up to see my older brother Louis. He looked so old. -- I mean,,, Not old, But older.

"How long have I been here!?" I shoutouted. I was scared! Who could Blam me! 

"Thank god your OKAY, !" Louis shouted.

"How long have I been here!?" I demanded.

"Doctor!" Louis shouted, Ignoring me again. 

"FOR GOD SAKE! How long have I been here!?" 

"Ohhhhh Lily. I-it's been exacly a year from yesterday!" Louis said.

I couldnt believe it. A year. I missed all the boys. My friend Dalton. Me and dalton were so close. We were even Emo buddys. (To much of what Louis Dismayed. He's always hated the faked I dressed Emo-Like) And what about my new friend Violet? 


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