28 pt 2 | Final(?)

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Rayquaza returned to normal and was returned to its pokéball. Ash had a lot of question come his way immediately, but the sudden cry of Lunala.

No One's POV

It seemed that it was trying to get their attention; the battle must've caught quite a bit of attention. There were a group of trainers commanding their pokémon to attack the Moone Pokémon.

They seemed familiar, then it clicked. It was the people who despise the weak and treasure the strong.

Why now?


Ash thought to himself, lowering his hat instinctively. He was not fully healed from their betrayal, turning against him.

"What are you doing!" Gladion shouted, anger rising.

They seemed to be taken aback by this and smugly looked at them.

"Oh? We are just planning to save all of you from this beast" An orange-haired girl smiled sweetly. Eyes were suggesting otherwise.

"You aren't, Misty" Ash harshly replied. The group now seemed to acknowledge the Alola group. Sudden fear in their eye was evident when they realised that the person who they threw away without another thought is standing there right in front of them.

"A-Ash?" Dawn stuttered

He simply did not reply, just staring dead into their souls. 

"You know them?" Gladion raised a brow.

He shrugged.

'Satoshi, we don't have much time left. Necrozma would drain more light, and we are going to lose Solgaleo to it if we don't stop it. The Team Rocket is targeting the wormhole; we need to make sure they don't get a hold of Necrozma.'

Ash looked at Lunala before quietly telling the group what Lunala said. There must be another way so that they don't lose Solgaleo, and a way to stop its rampage.

"Ash, I don't think there is any other way though, I can try to look through the legends about this... Ne-Nercrozma?"

"Let's head back to the lab to figure out a plan," Kiawe suggested. All agreed with the idea and headed back to the lab, the Moone Pokémon following behind.

Ash stayed behind for a bit before mouthing the words "Meet me back here at 11."

And walked off casually. Trailing behind the group.

They discussed the plan, Lusamine saying that they would give them some ride pokémons and a device to communicate with each other. There is one ultra beast that got through, and some were sent to deal with it first. Ash just kept quiet, thinking on what to say to them


When the time came to confront the group, Lucario insisted on being outside his pokéball, wanting to make sure Ash would be safe despite knowing that Ash would somehow get out okay.

"H-Hey Ash, it has been a long time?" Clemont voice shaking, fear evident in their eyes, all except two.

"It has" He replied dismissively, wanting to know what they were doing here and why they attacked Lunala.

"Are you still weak? I don't think much has changed" Misty provoked, making the atmosphere tenser.

"Heh, I bet my Dedenne would beat your weak blue jackal without batting an eye," Bonnie said smugly. The silent panic was evident in Clemont, gears running through his head to try making what his sister said not as bad as it sounded.

But it did.

The Aura Pokémon growled softly, agitated. Ash calmly placed his hand in front of him. 'Don't' 'Alright' 

This seemed to make new excuses to provoke them.

"Can't even control your pokémon's anger, how pathetic of a trainer are you?" 

This time Lucario snarled.

"What is your real intention here, you seem pretty confident that you were going to capture Lunala," He said emotionlessly, completely ignoring the snarling blue jackal right beside him.

"Heh, I deserve it. After all, I won more battles than you," Misty smiled, the two other that were more or less silent just slowly backed away. 

"Yeah she does, and you're doubting her" Bonnie smiled. "Why not have a battle between the two of us? Since you are so confident that you are stronger and not weak. One v two" She continued.


'Why am I entertaining them? I rather erase them from my life.'

"Gyarados!" "Dedenne!"

"Lucario, you up."

Lucario went back to being calmer, eyes glowing slightly blue.

"Have the first move pathetic."

"Lucario close combat and detect." 


"Lucario, good job" Ash smiled softly, hi-fiving the Aura pokémon.

On the other hand, Misty and Bonnie seemed shocked that they lost. Returning their pokémon before heading off solemnly.

"Sometimes I wonder if they are the kids..."
Ash mutters to himself quietly.

His watchdex buzzed, he checks it to see that Ultra beast are all over the islands. And they would need to hurry up see what is with the deal of Necrozma.

"...This never ends does it" He chuckles at his own joke.

He didn't look back and walked ahead. Is former friends just stares at him.

Welp, this is not the final chapter, but this book is sure ending soon. This was started a year ago, and I don't have the best memory, so if the storyline seemed rushed/messy, that is probably the reason why. As I said, I would be rewriting the whole book, but I don't think it would come out that soon because I'm still thinking of the plot and stuff.

Would you guys want me to complete this or leave it discontinued? Because the ending may not be as satisfying as you may have expected. Tell me your thoughts!

Anyways, have a great day/night, everyone!

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