Chapter 2 - (Pirate King's Death and Kidnappers)

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Ivy's p.o.v.

I am seven years old now, and I have definitely gotten stronger. Though not strong enough to prevent my father's execution, but it's okay because I know why he is doing this. I learned from mother after father turned himself in that I am going to be an older sister! I am excited to have a baby brother, although he won't be born for a while in order to keep him safe. His name will be Portgas D. Ace. Mama and papa will be mad at me if they found out but I sailed to Lougetown to witness my father's execution. I know that it is dangerous but I wanted to be able to see him one last time, and who would miss such a legendary moment in history? To make sure I am not spotted I am watching from a distance, I also have my katana with me just in case. My identity absolutely cannot be revealed because if it were I would immediately be executed alongside my father. Ah, here he comes being escorted down the street. It seems it is time...

*Time-skip to after execution*

I just witnessed my father's death, which was pretty painful, but I am glad I got to see his smile one more time and hear those legendary words in person. At this point I am sitting alone in an alleyway crying my eyes out. I knew losing him was going to hurt considering he did raise me and gave me such great memories, although it is completely different seeing it in person than on-screen from my past life. It is kind of ironic how things turned out for me. Especially now, because it was at this point I learned a valuable lesson. Never let your guard down, no matter where you are.

No one's p.o.v.

Some shady men were walking through the alleyways in Lougetown to return to their ship after witnessing the Pirate King's execution, while laughing about the outcome. In one certain alleyway they spotted a little girl curled into a ball and not paying attention to her surroundings. The shady men smiled wickedly to each other and decided to take the little girl. Thinking they could make some easy money off of her and maybe have some fun themselves, they quietly neared the girl and easily knocked her out. These men proceeded to carry her towards their ship where they then chained her wrists and ankles, after taking away her belongings. The little girl known as Portgas D. Ivy now had a not so pleasant surprise waiting for her when she awoke.

Back to Ivy's p.o.v.

'Ugh my head hurts... What happened to me? I remember watching father be executed, mourning for him in the alleyway, I heard footsteps before everything went black... Ah, shit. I'm pretty sure I've been kidnapped. Do they know who I am? What am I gonna do? Alright, calm down, deep breaths Ivy. No matter what they do to you, you can get through this. You have a baby brother to get back to after all.' With my newfound determination I opened my eyes to find I am in a small plain room with my wrists and ankles chained to the floor. Using my listening skills I have concluded I am on a ship in the lower level by the sound of waves. The room I am in is pretty simple, there is a single futon in the right corner, straight ahead is the door, and to my left is a simple table and chair. It is too dark to see what is on the table but I did notice those bastards took my katana from me. With a loud creak the door in front of me opened, and I was momentarily blinded by a bright light. After my vision refocused I saw a tall burly man with a scruffy beard walk in. He had food stuck in his beard and this weird look in his eyes, overall he looked completely disgusting. Worst of all, I noticed this bastard is the one who took my katana!

Ivy: "Oi! You slimy ingrate give me back my katana!"

Kidnapper: "Ah yer awake. Slimy ingrate, eh? Yer gonna regret that little girly. Were gonna go easy on ya but ya pissed me off so now yer gonna get hurt."

Right after the bastard said those words more disgusting ingrates came in the room all sporting wicked smiles. They started making some sort of line at the table that was in the room. Now that I can see I notice there are knives, whips, poisons, and all different kinds of torture instruments. 'Fuck this is really going to suck... But I will stay strong! For Ace, my baby brother! I will not give them a single tear or scream!' With that thought I put on my most determined face (which is more like a glare) and told them "Bring it on bitches." I could tell that they were a bit surprised that someone as young as me could use that language, but the men still didn't falter, and neither did I. Therefore my torturing began. The first whipping hurt like hell but I bit my tongue and kept the fierce glare on my face. 'I will NOT give them what they want. I will NOT quit!'


I am not sure how much time has gone by, days, weeks, maybe months? I am in so much fucking pain right now all I wanna do is cry but I will not give the bastards the satisfaction. I continue to just sit there and take the torture, sometimes I even egg them on, which probably is not a good idea. My petite body is covered in stab wounds, whippings, burn marks, all new and old. I have also been injected with many different types of poisons to the point I am probably immune by now. Since I have been here I have only had a few pieces of bread to eat a day, if that. I am honestly surprised I am still alive. I have not gotten a good look at myself but I am sure I look like shit. I have gone through hell since I have been here but the worst of it all is when they decided to rape me. I am only an eight year old girl and I've gone through all this so far. Happy birthday, right? Yeah, I have been here for a year now after overhearing some of the guards talking. Ace should be born by now I think...I wish I could have been there. No matter, he is still my determination and my determination is what has been keeping me alive. I will not show these kidnappers an ounce of emotion, I will keep all of that bottled away. Kind of creepy, isn't it? An eight year old girl completely covered in blood with an emotionless face. After about an hour or two of me counting my ribs, wounds, pretty much anything to alleviate my boredom, the door opened once again. I tend to cringe away from the light whenever the door opens because it has been a whole year since I have seen the sun... That same disgusting man kneeled in front of me and I just stared at him not saying a single word. I was beyond confused though when he started to undo my ankle chains, then proceed to drag me out of the room by the chains on my wrists.

Kidnapper: "C'mon girly, ya gotta get cleaned, yer finally being sold today."

On the inside I was completely frightened about where I was going, but I still kept my emotionless face on the outside. After I got myself cleaned and my numerous wounds were bandaged up, I finally got some food again, not a lot though I was still thankful. I was sure you could play the xylophone on my ribs. When I was finished eating I got knocked unconscious... Again. 'Damn bastards. I would fight back if my body could take it but I am still weak. I need to get stronger if I'm going to get out of here and back to Ace. I cannot rely on anyone else.' After I woke up again I looked around the bigger looking cell, there were a lot more people at this place. Adults, teens, and kids like me. Also, there are no more chains which is admittedly a nice change, although there are these weird looking bracelets on our wrists.

?: "Hey new girl, what is your name? My name is Jack."

Looking at who spoke it was a little boy with blue hair, a birthmark on his face, and he looked to be my age. Behind him there are a group of kids, who seemed younger than both of us. They must be his friends.

Ivy: "Hello Jack, my name is Ivy. Uhm where exactly are we by the way?"

Jack: "We are on an island in the Grand Line working as slaves. We start work in the mines soon so I suggest you to start eating something! We don't have it as bad as most slaves."

Inside the cell we are stationed there is a long table with food, not a feast, but still food nonetheless. I will figure out a plan to escape, after I get some strength and muscle back, and I will help everyone else here escape as well. 'I will help them!'

Reborn in One Piece as the Pirate King's Daughter (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now