Chapter 4 - (Meeting Whitebeard, New Family?)

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Ivy's p.o.v.

It has been a few weeks since I left the island of Water 7. My boat's fresh repairs are still good, the log pose is set for the next island, still stocked with plenty of food, and my sword is freshly sharpened. My current outfit lately has been a blue bandana that covers most of my shoulder-length black hair, a dark blue tank top with a black leather jacket over it, black pants, and my black boots that I have had for years now. Oh yeah, did I ever mention my left eye was fixed by Dr. Kureha from Drum Island? Well yeah, I can see out of it now, although I have a nasty looking scar that starts from my left eyebrow and trails down all the way to my bottom lip. Though I will always be haunted by that scar, it is a part of me now. At the moment the seas are quite calm, although that makes it real boring for me. These past few hours I have been doing nothing but training and reading various books, and I am still bored out of my mind. Currently I am laying in the starfish position on my deck staring up at the clouds. 'It's peaceful...but boring. Maybe I'll count sheep to pass the time. One sheep... Two sheep... Giant ship... Three sheep... Wait, giant ship?! As long as they don't attack me we're fine, though I'll still be cautious.' I quickly jump to my feet to take a look.

Ivy: "Wow this ship is huge compared to mine... is it a giant whale?"

'I'm confused... who's ship looks like a whale? Huh, think Ivy... Whale... Pirates... WHITEBEARD!!!' My jaw immediately dropped a little upon realizing the strongest man in the world and his crew are right next to my... puny ship. Let's hope they don't want to sink me. Suddenly a bird like creature... uh, phoenix? flew in front of me and started speaking.

Phoenix: "So, would you happen to be Portgas D. Ivy? Pops has been wanting to meet you-yoi."

'I'm guessing this man ate a devil fruit? I have heard stories of them but never actually seen one before. And back up a bit, Whitebeard wants to meet me? How does he even know of me? Oh well, I'll go but I am still keeping my guard up. He seems nice but I won't be trusting them so easily.'

Ivy: "Yes Mr. Phoenix my name is Ivy, but how do you know of me? Last I checked I had no bounty or anything of the sort."

Phoenix: "My name is Marco, 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates-yoi. We're not going to hurt you or anything Pops is just curious about you. Will you come up to meet him-yoi?"

I give Marco a blank face while I mull it over. 'He seems nice... but I cannot trust them yet. I will talk to Whitebeard but if things get out of hand I'll have to escape quickly.'

Ivy: "Alright I'll meet your Pops but I'm still going to call you Mr. Phoenix."

He looked at me like I had two heads and sighed exasperated, but nonetheless he told me to hop on his back so he could fly us to the ship. I did just that after double checking I had my sword strapped to my left hip and my ship tied to theirs so I don't lose it. When we arrive on the deck Marco transforms back to human and I finally get a good look at him. He is fairly tall, lazy build, and has a blonde pineapple hairdo. He proceeds to lead me through the group of pirates to where I assume Whitebeard is. All the pirates stare at me which makes me uncomfortable but I keep a blank face easily with my head held high. Once we make it to where Whitebeard is I finally get to see what he looks like. He is absolutely huge in height, with what seems to be a mustache instead of a beard like I expected. 'Odd...'

Marco: "Oi Pops, this is the kid. Portgas D. Ivy-yoi."

I look up at the giant of a man with a blank face and cross my arms. I study him for a split second and with the training I have done I can feel the power radiating off of him in waves. In that split second I knew even if I tried I wouldn't be able to beat him. I need to be cautious just in case.

Ivy: "So, Whitebeard right? Why exactly did you want to meet me and how do you even know of me anyways? I have no bounty."

He seemed to study me for a moment, the same I did to him, before suddenly throwing his head back and letting out a loud booming laugh that shook the ship. I managed to keep my balance quite easily, to the surprise of most of the pirates here.

Whitebeard: "Guraraha!! Jinbei was correct, you are pretty cautious eh? Though I am curious on why exactly a 9 year old child is travelling these waters?"

Ivy: "Ah so Jinbei told you about me did he? I am travelling these waters to head back home, and for your information I haven't been a child for a few years now."

'Jinbei trusts them it seems, so I will a little but I will not be telling them everything that's for sure.' I decided to get myself comfy so I sat down, crossed my right leg, propped my left leg up and rested both arms there. Some of the pirates that are on deck were a bit taken-aback by my laidback attitude.

Whitebeard: "Guraraha! I like you squirt. How would you like to join my crew and become my daughter? You can call me Pops." I didn't even have to think twice for my answer.

Ivy: "No thanks. I need to go home because there is someone I need to protect. Though I do want to be a pirate, I'll probably never join a crew anyways."

Most of the pirates around me jaw-dropped at how easily I said no to the strongest man in the world. Yeah, I'd be surprised too. But that is just how I wanna live my life. A solo pirate.

Whitebeard: "Alright, alright. You don't have to join my crew. Though that doesn't mean you can't call me Pops. You may not officially be a Whitebeard Pirate but we can still be your family if you'll allow it squirt. Whaddya say?"

He said these special words with such a welcoming and warm smile, it made me feel things I haven't felt in years. 'I suppose they could be my new family, they seem nice enough...and I WILL protect them this time around.'

Ivy: "Alright then... Pops."


For the first time in years, I smiled a genuine happy smile that night, thankful for this new family I have.

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