Nine - Stories Never Told

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The walls we build around us to keep the sadness out also keeps out the joy. ~Jim Rohn

Ashton's POV

"Let's go to Luke's. See if maybe he's home." I shrugged.

"I can't." Calum sighed. "I have to get home. My family is doing this stupid event."

"Yeah and I got grounded like yesterday." Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes.


"I flipped off my mum." Michael smiled and I patted his back before bidding them farewell and heading down the street. I wasted no time getting to Luke's, although I didn't even know if he would let me inside. Well, if he would kick me out at least. I would let myself in.

Upon walking towards his house I saw his father's car pull out of the driveway. I didn't think anything of it though. But the closer I got to the house it almost sounded as if..Someone was crying? I knew Luke lived with only his father, so it had to be him.

I opened the front door to hear the cries get slightly louder and I walked into the living room to see Luke laying on the couch. His face hidden in his arms, his legs pulled up tightly.

"Luke?" I said softly and I could see I had scared him by the way he jumped. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He only nodded.

"Luke, are you okay?" I asked. "That's a dumb question, you're clearly not." Luke sat up on the couch and patted the space next to him. So I sat down and turned my body towards Luke.

No one said a word for a moment, the only sounds were Luke's continued cries that were so painful it broke me. Then I noticed how red his jaw and cheek was.

"Luke, what happened?" I asked and pointed to his jaw. In a response Luke simply climbed over into my lap, curling up in a tight ball around me.

"Please don't leave me.." Luke whimpered. "I'm so sorry, but don't go."

I wrapped my arms around the frail body and pulled him closer to me. "I won't. I'm right here, always." Calum was right, I was being an idiot because if anything Luke needed me. A lot. Even if it was just a friendly feeling, he still needed me. But, I was still buzzing with curiosity I what happened.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I said softly and pulled Luke back so I could see his face. I tilted his head slightly towards the side to see he red marks, that would most likely bruise. "Who hit you? It has something to do with that flinch of yours, doesn't it." He gave a slight nod. He looked like a deer in headlights, eyes big and wide. Still shaking slightly.

"Well, who did it?" I asked and he dropped his head down. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." There was no answer. "Does anyone know?" He shook his head. "Why can't you tell me?"

"B-Because bad th-things will ha-ha-happen." Luke stuttered. Whatever it was had him shook hard.

"Tell me." I said quietly.

His eyes tightly closed. As if he was trying to see something or block something out.

I waited patiently for him though. Eventually the words came out. Nothing above a whisper. "F-Fa-Father."

At first I didn't believe it. Every time I had met Luke's father he was nice, caring. He didn't seem to be able to do it. Maybe I would call Luke a liar if the fear in his tear-filled eyes wasn't so present.

"He did this?" I asked, hoping Luke would maybe shake his head. But it was indeed a nod. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing." Luke shook his head.

"What? Why not? Why don't you tell someone?" I asked.

"B-because they'll take m-me away." Luke mumbled and held onto me tightly. "I-I don't want t-to go."

"It'll be okay Luke. It will." I said quietly. I reached my head slightly downwards and kissed the head beneath me. "I'm going to be here. Always, I promise I won't leave."

A sudden realization hit me. This is the first, and only, negative thing Luke has ever told me. That this was a "fake" act. But I don't really think it was, that happy-go-lucky nature Luke had still was a part of him. This was just another part.

"I don't want pity." Luke mumbled.

"I'm not giving you it." I said. "Luke, there's other things, isn't there?" He gave a sheepish nod. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind but we don't have to talk about I right now."

"Thanks." Luke mumbled.

"So how about we do something fun." I smiled. "We could..Order a pizza and watch a movie?"

"I-I'm not hungry." Luke shook his head quickly.

"Okay, well, how about just a movie then?" I asked and Luke gave a small nod. So I stood up off the couch and scanned through his movies. Knowing Luke would want to watch some childish film I decided on one.

""Ashy," Luke smiled from the couch. "Come cuddle with me."

"Whatever you want your highness." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to." Luke mumbled. "I just wanted to."

"I know I was joking." I smiled and ruffled Luke's hair.

"Hey you messed it up!" Luke said, giving a kitten-like pointing face.

"Don't pout." I laughed lightly.

"I'm not cuddling with you now." Luke said and folded his arms.

"No," I whined as I flopped on the couch, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Lukey!"

"Nope." Luke smiled.

"C'mon. Please!" I sighed.


"But babe," I said and both of us went wide eyed.

Luke, with a red face, asked. "What did you just call me?"

"Never mind." I mumbled and sat up.

We sat in silence for a moment before Luke climbed over onto my lap, his head leaning back on my shoulder.

"What are you..?" I began to question what Luke was doing but was ultimately comfortable. So I placed my arms around his waist and pulled him slightly closer to me.

Hoping that no one would hurt him again.


Wrote this in class like a boss ;3

I feel like it's really short though..I find myself saying that a lot however.

Hope you all have a fantabulous day! I got hot chocolate this morning and it was so damn good. I think I'm gonna start making it every morning. That or tea. You guys like hot coco? Maybe tea or even coffee? I don't like coffee unless there's enough ingredients to make it not coffee! :D

Okay I'm rambling and I need to shut up.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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