30 - First Signs

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Amid the steady rhythm of rain tapping against the window, a sudden burst of yelling outside caught my attention. I quickly opened my eyes and turned towards the window, curious about what was happening. I stood up, my legs feeling a bit numb, and moved closer to get a better view.

General Marcus's voice boomed above the rain, urgently calling for help. I looked out and saw him, along with a few guards, carrying something covered in a cloth. Despite the heavy rain, his voice carried, and I could sense the urgency in his tone. Nearby, a woman peeked out from a house, her curiosity piqued by the commotion.

"Elena, go back inside and lock the door. Tell everyone to do the same. It's a code red," Marcus commanded, and the woman quickly obeyed, disappearing inside.

Then another order was given, this time to a soldier named Sam - "Sam! You are in charge of Luna's security! Alpha's order!" the command rang out, and I couldn't help but notice the scars on his face, a testament to his experience and bravery. It was clear that Nate had chosen someone skilled to protect me.

Stepping back from the window, I took a few deep breaths, the sound of water a constant reminder of the recent strange events. I retrieved the abandoned towel from the floor and placed it back over the puddle, my attempt to contain the spreading water.

Swiftly changing into dry clothes, the urge to leave the room and investigate what was unfolding outside gnawed at me. Nervous energy made me pace around, my gaze repeatedly drawn to the window. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me, and I cautiously ventured into the hallway, peering out.

The hallway appeared unchanged, yet an eerie stillness hung in the air, unsettling in its quietude. Deciding to venture downstairs, I descended the staircase, only to come face to face with Sam. He was in his creature form, his presence imposing yet protective. He ascended the stairs with purpose, his snarls a clear signal of his vigilance.

As our eyes met, we wordlessly acknowledged each other's roles. Sam's keen senses were attuned to the surroundings, his instinctive scan ensuring our safety. I was mindful of my movements, not wanting to provoke the focused sentinel. When his scrutiny concluded, he stepped aside, granting me unspoken permission to proceed.

I hastened down the stairs, aware of Sam's watchful presence behind me. His protective shadow was reassuring, a reminder of the responsibilities that came with my position. As Sam gracefully descended to the lower floor, a soft exhale escaped my lips, a prelude to the questions I was about to voice.

"What's happening?" I inquired, my voice tinged with concern. However, Sam's animal form merely stared back, leaving my question unanswered.

With a sigh, I abandoned hope of an immediate response and moved toward the kitchen, my thirst demanding attention. As I reached for a glass on the counter, a cacophony of shattering bones and primal growls pierced the air. Startled, I turned to witness Sam, now in his human form, standing in the doorway. Our eyes briefly met before I resumed filling the glass.

"They found the body of a girl in the woods," Sam's voice cut through the tension, his words abrupt yet heavy.

"Oh my god," I whispered, my horror palpable.

"Alpha found traces of hunters, and he followed them. Beta called to gather all guards as they will follow after."

The words struck me like a blow. Nate was risking his safety to confront those merciless hunters. My heart clenched at the thought of him in danger, even as logic reminded me of his lycan strength. Sam's voice cut through my spiralling worry.

"He will be fine," he assured, a reassuring balm for my fears.

"But how can you be sure? These hunters show no mercy..." I trailed off, my anxiety bubbling over.

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