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I went to a garden. A very peaceful, quite and beautiful garden. No people here and no laughter or dancing just a sound of a cricket and whistling wind brushing through leaves only.

The garden was beautiful decorated with all kind of flowers and there was a beautiful fountain too. I sit at the side of the fountain and try to calm myself by taking a deep breath. The water from the fountain was a crystal clear with the moonlight descendant through the water and I was staring at my reflection.

I was so pale but yet so sorrow in my eyes but then my reflection in the water turn into a demon herself. I was so shocked at first but then I was calm a little that this is not my first time seeing my own reflection turn into a demon and smile at me.

"You look beautiful tonight." She said with a grin on her face.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want. It's what you want."

"Dont riddle with me. You the one who cause all this in all my life." Then the smile on her face had vanished and she look sorrow just like me.

"I can feel you suffer Luna. I know what you had been through. That man you saw earlier, he's the one who caused your suffer." Then she gave me the death glare and the memory came through in my mind.

Dr. Sloviac kill my little sister in front of me and hes the one who make me suffer. Suddenly I can feel the darkness inside me try to flowing out from my hands and then I look at my reflection back.

"I can help you and I want to be by your side. I don't want you to feel the pain and suffer anymore." The reflection of my demon-self told me and slowly the grass where I stand and the flowers around me started to wilt slowly but then I heard someone calling my name and it was Ollie who called me.

"Luna." He called with wide eyes but then I started to falling on the ground. When he saw me on the ground, he quickly came by my side and check on me worried on his face.

"What happen?" He said so worry and grabbed my shoulders to help me stand. But then he realised something. He looked around me and the garden had turn to black and the plants in the garden had died.

"What happen here? Are you okay Luna?"

"I'm fine just need to calm down that's all."

He grabbed my arms to help me stand and we sit at the bench garden nearby. He sits beside me still holding my hands in his. It warms my heart to see that my best friend really cared for me and sometimes he acts differently too and it make my heart beat faster than before.

"Are you sure you okay Luna? I'm very worried about you?"

"It's just that. I saw this man at the ball early while we were dancing. He seemed very familiar and when I try to remember where, I realised that he's the man who killed my sister a long time ago. He still alive Ollie. What should I do?"

I didn't realised that I was in tear right now and it make my heart broken just to remember the nightmare. Ollie's finger brushing my tear on my cheek gently.

When he brushing my tear with that gently eyes looking at me, I feel different around him. Along with his sweet smile and sad eyes but he still cared and worry for me.

"We better do something and get him Luna. Or maybe we can tell to Mr. Ross about this." He said and I was back to reality from my dreams.

I nodded as a yes and I grab his hand into mine and we headed back into the ball. We were surrounded by the crowded dancing and talking and trying to find Mr. Ross. When I finally found him talking with his friends, Dr. Sloviac finally approached him and talked to him. He seemed like he wanted Mr. Ross to following him and his expression look worried and then he followed Dr. Sloviac.

Mr. Ross following him. We need to move now. I said to Ollie and we followed them from behind. We followed from behind and entered into his study room. Both of us stay hidden and try to eavesdropped from behind the door.

"You see, I know you had Mr. blackwood's book because I've been watching you since and you are his best friend. I want it. Where is it?" He demand.

"How do you know so much about Jacob's research?" Lionel ask and that makes Dr. Sloviac chuckled a little with his devilish grin on his face.

"You know I know about this stone for so many years. It can give power and live for immortality for the rest of your life but the tricked to get it's power is so hard to get it. And by getting the power, I need his research to get all of its power inside that stone."

"You will never get it." Lionel said and getting ready whatever happen.

"I saw you with that girl before. I know her and I know she had that power but so sadly that she can't control it. The more she grew, the more she can't control it and that would made her powerful."

"What?" Lionel ask in confused on his face.

"You don't know. Did she ever tell you that she had the power from that stone? Of course she wouldn't because she must be scared that you would be afraid of her. I was the one who put the stone inside her.

I was the one who killed her precious little sister and do the experiment on her instead and she the perfect subject I ever seen and I want her back. I want to kill her and get that power back."

"You're monster!"  He was in shocked and wide eyes when he knows the truth.

Then Dr. Sloviac punch him in the face and aim his gun on his head. Lionel was coughing and spit his blood.

"Where is it? Where's the book?" He screamed like a maniac man and desperate to get the book.

"It's in the drawer there." He said and gave up because he looks sick already. Dr. sloviac hurried to the table and get the book in the drawer and finally he get the document.

"Finally I got it what I need. What a shame for wasting your life. I will get her and killed her."



A shotgun had been fire and the bullet hit in his chest. Blood splitting from his chest and Dr. Sloviac hurried out from the study room and left with the document in his hand. While Lionel fell on the ground while holding his chest. Luna quickly hurried to his side while sobbing already.


"Luna. What are you doing here?" He was shocked but then his eyes soft when he saw her here.

"Please don't go. You're the only one from my family I know. You're my family. I can't lose you too. I finally found you."

"It's okay Luna. I'm so sorry for what I did and I'm so sorry that I would never be there for you."

"Please don't go."

I started to sobbing like a little girl. His bloody hand wiped out my tears on my cheeks gently and look at me with his fatherly look, so much care and love as a father and daughter.

"I won't my dear. Listen Luna, you need to get that book back before he did anything terrible."

"But how?"

Before Lionel even get a chance to answer my question, he gave his last breath and die on my arms. I started to sobbing hardly and Ollie quickly hold my shoulder and I cry against his hard chest.

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