Chapter 3

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"SHUT THE FUCK UP WE'RE STUDYING!"Bangchan sigh while Seungmin simply laugh as Changbin and Jisung continue fighting like cat and dog in front of them.

It has been 5 month since Seungmin was transferred here and everything is going smoothly.

Well...Almost everything.

He got quiet a lot of friends but also quiet a lot of haters.Some of his classmates has been bullying him for a while now and luckily enough,both Jisung and Felix was always there to defend him.

"But hyung...I'm still confused about that 'Hwang Hyunjin' Boy..."Changbin sigh,after his argument with Jisung was finish.Bangchan shrugged at him and continue studying.

"I don't know much either.All I know is that he died a while after this school was open.Like... 4 years after?"

"So? Were we born yet at the time?"Felix ask,stealing Changbin chocolate.

"Nope.The school was built at like what? 1995?"Bangchan said,unsurely.

"Wait really? Man...I never knew this school was THAT old.I thought it was built at 2000 or something."Changbin said,reaching for his chocolate.

"Wait,where the hell is my chocolate?"Felix stood up and left the room before Changbin's eyes widen in realization.

"WAIT! YOU STEAL MY CHOCOLATE DIDN'T YOU?!"Changbin ask,running after the younger who was already gone.

"Anyway..."Bangchan began.

"We should go now.We all agreed to study at school today right?"The remaining boys nodded and pack up their things before leaving Bangchan's house as well to go to school.

When they arrived,as expected,a bunch of students is still there.

Even Seungmin's bullies.

Seungmin really doesn't care though since he's with the others,the bullies won't even approach them.

After all,their group is associated with Woojin aka the student council president so bullying any of them is out of question.

Anyway,The boys continued on walking towards the libraries and study until the sky gets dark.

"Oh,It's pretty late already.Should we go home?"Minho ask,putting down his pencil."Your right..."Bangchan agreed and began to pack his things.

"Wait guys."They all turn to Changbin,who is smirking."What is it?"Bangchan ask,confused."I ask my classmates about that Hwang Hyunjin boy and it seems like the toilet is haunted."Changbin explained.

Everyone stop doing whatever they were doing and turn to him."Since we already at school...Why don't we go to the toilet now? I'll tell you the stories when we get there."

They agreed with what he suggested and pack their things before walking towards the third floor.All of them look around nervously at the silent hallway.

The third floor is pretty much an abandoned part of the school.The only room there is the art room and drama club room.The other room is just an empty classroom though there is one locked room that no one except for the teachers know what's inside it.

"Okay.Let's go in then."Changbin shrugged,twisting the rusty doorknob revealing a dark and surprisingly clean toilet.

"Huh...It's clean.I guess no one have use this toilet ever since he died in here."Jisung commented while flipping the light switch.As expected,the light is not working so Changbin pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"I guess the last time they replaced the light is a long time ago."Changbin shrugged as he walk inside with the others following behind him,turning on their own their phone flashlight as well.

"Come on! Tell us the story even though we already know."

"Shut up Ji.Let me start then."He clear his throat before he began talking again.

"A few years after this school was built,a boy committed suicide in this bathroom.Rumour has it,that the boy is still here,waiting for anyone who dare to come to school at night to make them suffer,just like how he suffered when he's still alive."He finish,dramatically.The others rolled their eyes at him.

"Oh come on! Aren't any of you feel at least a little bit scared?"He ask,disappointed.

"Not really.Since we know it already."Bangchan shrugged while Seungmin rub the back of his neck.

"I'm not scared of him...I feel sorry for him."The others shot him a confused look.

"Why?"They ask,still curious.

"I mean...If the rumour is true,then he must be lonely...Right?"They sigh and agreed.

"Yeah...Your right..."Minho check his watch."We should go now.It's late already."The boys decided to head home for a while but Seungmin noticed that his pencil case is missing.

"Are you sure you can go alone?"Bangchan ask while Seungmin simply laugh."I'll be fine.You guys can go home first."They stay silent before agreeing.

"See you tommorow then okay min?"Jisung said,giving him a pat on the back.They wave goodbye at him and Seungmin sigh before he began to walk upstairs.

(A/N : Maybe I should give a warning so...Yeah.This is a bullying scene so please don't read if not comfortable.)

As he walked,he got a feeling as if someone is following him so he turn around and was suddenly punch in the face.

"Ow! What-"

"Shut up.Guys come on."Seungmin's eyes widen when someone suddenly drag him harshly somewhere.

"Stop it! Let me go!"He shouted,trying to break free.

"Shut up for fuck sake.Kyung,do something to shut him up."The boy then place his hands onto Seungmin mouth.

Seungmin continued to try to break free until they arrived at the third floor bathroom.The two boys who was holding him threw him into a stall and close the door before locking it from outside.

Seungmin panicked and run towards the stall door.

"Wait! Please! Let me out!"He begged while the three boys outside just laugh at him.He can't believe this is happening.

He finally feel happy and calm after a long time and this is happening to him.

"See you later Seungminnie~"The three laugh and got out of the bathroom while Seungmin continued sobbing and banging on the door.

"Wait! Please! I'm begging you! Let me out!"He cried,tears streaming down his face.

Suddenly,his lungs started close up as he find that he cannot breathe.

He sat down in the stall,hugging his knees while crying.

"Someone help me..."


That's...Quiet a chapter.

Um...So yeah.


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