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Loud Stone hospital
During birth
4:34 am
Nyla Bankz - Sanchez || Zilly

"Ahhhh please get him out" I yelled.

"Calm down baby just one more"

The pain I was in was unistamted . SeNine was by my side as we just had the first boy and the second one was starting problems. "One more time Ms.Bankz one two three push " I pushed and a few seconds later I heard cries from my baby.

"Congratulations you have a boy and a girl" I was shocked the doctor told me I was having boys. I couldn't talk I just nodded my head smiling as they put both of them on me.

At this moment I don't care who say me I cried like a baby once I hold them. "Thank you God" I said lowly looking down at them. They open their eyes and looked at me. That made it worst I cried even more as they brown as looked up at me.

After a while the nurse took them to the back to get clean up as I did the same. SeNine helped and fixed my hair for me. I was feeling so weak that I end up falling asleep after finding out the babies was okay.

After birth
6:57 am
SeNine Sanchez || Nine

I wanted to be upset with Nyla , hell I am but I can't be right now while looking at my twins. Maybe after we leave this place I will be letting her hear an ear full about this one. I never made her pick business over anything but we have two babies now.

Who can say no to these faces. "Nine ?" I heard Nyla call me. After making sure the babies was good I walked over to her and hold her hand. "We still have to name them" she said. I nodded my head thinking of something.

"I had names pick but I didn't except baby girl so how about Ny'Twon and Na'Mya ?" I thought after her mother and uncle for this one.

She smiled "that's cute and different, and the middle name can be Aidan and Quinn" I liked it because it was special. "After my father huh?" She smiled and nodded. My father name was Vixen Aidan Quinn Sanchez

"I love it" I said looking over to the babies. Soon the family came in the room to see them.

"Ight na, whea the boys" Brandon said coming in loudly. I told his ass the lower his voice as Brit hit him in the head holding there baby.

"My bad"

They walked over to them as they slept. "Awww another girl yes" she cheered.

"Hell no" Emerias said. "That's means we have three girls in the family now, I need to restock on my weapons " he said.

"Me too" the rest of us said then laughed.

"What's there names?"

Nyla smiled as I put Na'Mya in her arms as Brandon got Ny'Twon. "Ny'Twon Aidan Sanchez and Na'Mya Quinn Sanchez " I said and Brandon extra ass said something.

"Awwwww how cute!" He said like a girl.

Cameron was in the corner watching. I could see the look in Nyla eyes "Cam come here" she said as he walked to her.

"Cute baby I'm glad she don't look like him!" I smack my lip.

"Cam it's been years why can't you just get along? I mean with the babies and us getting married you have no choice really he's going to be in my life"  everybody gasped.

"Wait hold up, why didn't I know you two were getting married" Brit asked looked offended. Nyla laughed "it slip my mind really because this whole thing came up" they nodded.

The Plug's End : Last chapterWhere stories live. Discover now