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Brandon and Brit house
2 days later
2:37 pm
Emerias Bankz || Em

So today was the day I'm telling everybody the big news. We have two more days before we head out of state and I'm almost ready. I still have to take care of my other business and my father's business.

I was giving Cameron our family business of course because he live and breathe this lifestyle. And Brandon quiet right after his baby girl was born. It was my turn to just relax and chill with out worries.

I was retiring from the game officially but I will still be making profits from every income they make. From both sides but who ever I pick will be making a lot of money.

I wanted to give my father business to Ej but with this move I'll have to think on it. He wants to take over so bad that he tried to prove hisself to me and did something dangerous.

Even if it was just Kyla he never know wha she could have up her sleeves. "Yo Em why we had to meet here, you know I don't like wild animals " Cameron said walking to me.

I laughed "You can get the fuck out my house Cameron " Brit said throwing a bottle at him. "This my cousin house just as much as it's yours short ass" he said getting comfortable on the couch. I shake my head walking yo the front.

"I'm moving !"

"Where ?" Cameron asked

"Congratulations Emerias " Brit cheered.

"Near Nyla , before she left she said I could always come out there with her so I'm take it" they told me congratulations and what not making me feel better about this move.

"Wait who going to run your hair?" Brandon said holding Bre. I thought about it "Cam you think you ready to be officially over the McKevel family business?" He stand up tasing his right hand.

" Scouts honor " he said making us laugh. We dap each other up and I thought of something. "Say Cameron would you mind if Ej stayed here with you, he really doesn't want to move and I kind of like the way you train him" I whisper the last part.

He smirked "what was that ? The great Emerias wants me to stay training junior .... sure the kid can stay with me there's something things he can teach me" I nodded understanding what he mean.

Ej reminds me so much of Nyla when she was his age. Very smart and skillful, so young but scary at the same time. "When he turns 18 he gets my father business till then have Ten manage it" he gave my a hand Signal before standing up.

"If that's all I have a girl to fuck and now a room to get ready for , when you leaving ?"

"Two day Cam"

"Ight see you then" he said walking out the house leaving me shaking my head. Family can't help but to love but they sure can get on your nerves.

Brandon talked to me for a while about how he couldn't wait to come visit there now and he might open a shop there. "Take care on ya retirement mane you need this especially with being in jail all them year na... just have fun fo me and the rest of nem Ight" I nodded.

"Keep it easy and if you ever need anything feel free to call little cuz " he nodded as I got up to leave. "Tell Brit I'm out and kiss baby girl for me" I said leaving out the front door to my car.

Getting in my car I went straight to get some pizza and home to check on the progress. Nova and I was supposed to have all of things packed by tomorrow. So I hired a few of my workers to do it for us.

So far everything was packed , we just had to get everything out the kids room. And with the news I got for Ej I know he was going to be happy. I wanted him to come with me since I missed so much and only been back for half a year.

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