Info about yourself

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Name:(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)
Hair Length:(h/l)
Hair Color:(h/c)
Eye Color:(e/c)
Favorite Color:(f/c)
Favorite Food:(f/f)
Favorite Drink:(f/d)
Hero Name:(H/N)

Parents: Dads:All might(Toshinori Yagi),Eraser Head(Shota Aizawa), Present Mic(Hizashi Yamada)(they are very protective over you)
Mom: Dead(Your mom was addicted to drinks and drugs and abused you)

(The quirks wont all be used at the same time you can get rid of half of them if you want. I was just looking at the my hero wiki and saw so may cool quirks and got excited sorry 😞 )
Quirks( This is a long one sorry :.3)
1.One for All
Passed down to you from All Might ( he still gives it to Deku to tho) One For All is the transferable Quirk that is either passed down by generation or by choice it was passed down to you and your father gave it the Deku as well
2.Black Whip
Blackwhip grants the user the ability to produce black tendrils from their arm and command them at will.
3.Quirk Lock
This quirk allows you to take quirks away and lock them to give them back you say the name of the owner of the quirk and it goes back if you have multiple quirks you can say "Mass Quirk Release" and the all go back to the owners
Float allows the user to suspend themself in mid-air.It is currently unknown if it gives the user full mobility during levitation, or simply acts as a force to keep the user from falling.
Barrier allows to create a telekinetic barrier around you, in the shape of a dome
6. Vampire Bat
Bat Quirk gives it's user bat features like wings on your arms, fangs, pointed ears, etc. The Quirk allows its user to run at high speeds, as well as the ability to fly.(You can hide your wings and ears and you haven't fully developed your fangs and you have to drink blood sometimes)
Beast allows you to transform into a large, monstrous beast(or into a werewolf or just have wolf ears on your head and a tail)
You grow size, with your furry, animalistic body becoming even more like that of a wild creature's; sporting huge fangs and being covered entirely in thick fur. You grow significantly stronger and faster as a result, being able to send enemies flying into the distance with a swipe of your claws while carrying another person on your back. In this form, even jolts of electricity barely faze you
8.Air Walk
Air Walk allows the user to levitate in mid-air.
Air Walk facilitates mobility, allowing you better offensive and evasive abilities due to not being confined to the ground.
Manifest grants you the ability to enhance there limbs with the characteristics of anything they consume. The user can manifest traits of any food they've eaten while it's still active within their digestive system. For example, if you eat, Takoyaki you can transform your fingers into octopus tentacles. If you eat a clam, you can harden your hands into a clamshell and etc. Multiple manifestations of different food is also possible.Manifestation occurs only on command and any trait can be dismissed at will.
Erasure allows you to cancel out other Quirk powers and abilities simply by looking at the target. When Erasure is activated,you are able to disable a person's "Quirk Factor" for as long as you concentrates on your target, rendering any Quirk affected unusable.You only need one part of the target's body to be within your sights for Erasure to take effect. Since most people in the world rely on Quirks for combat purposes, this makes you an extremely bothersome opponent for anyone to deal with.
Your hair stands upwards and your eyes glow in a bright red color whenever Erasure is in use. Its effects wear off if you shuts your eyes (which includes the act of blinking) or look away from the person you are targeting.
Voice allows you to increase the volume of your voice, giving you the ability to create loud, high-pitched sounds.
The sound that comes from your mouth can reach extremely high levels, enough to incapacitate people by disrupting their eardrums (which may cause bleeding). The loud noise will also drown out other sound-based Quirks, giving you an advantage against those Quirk types in battle.
Because sound does not travel underground very well, it's ineffective against anything moving through it.(you can also use this quirk to control people with songs)
Copy allows you to utilize a Quirk after coming into contact with its respective user.
You only require to touch as little as a few strands of hair from the target in order for your
Quirk to take effect. After contact with a target is made,You gain full access to their Quirk, at least at a basic level; it's unknown if you are also capable of copying further improvements that one may achieve with their Quirk. Copying multiple Quirks at once is possible as well. You can hold up to a certain amount of copied Quirks within your body, depending on how much you trains your Quirk. The effects of the copied Quirks, save for those that physically change the structure of his body, will continue to remain active even if you switch out the associated Quirk. Size, for example, will have its size-changing effects persist on an object you have already altered, even if you switched to another Quirk.
With a copied Quirk, you essentially possesses the same advantages and disadvantages of the original Quirk user you copied it from, although your ability to swap between Quirks makes you a more versatile and unpredictable opponent to deal with in group battles, where you have more opportunities to copy numerous, different Quirks, be it from friend or foe.
This quirk allows you to transform into anything you can think of. You can transform into real living things inanimate objects and mystical beings.
14.Fire Breath
Allowing you to blow fire out of your mouth.
15. Elemental Demon
Elemental Demon allows you to control all elements like fire, water, earth, etc and you also have a demon inside you that you can control. You can form the elements into what ever you want.
16.telekentic teleportation/telekinesis & teleportation
Telekentic teleportation lets you use telekinesis and teleportation separately but you can also have to use telekentic teleportation to teleportation with someone or something.

Crushes ;3:Izuku Midoriya(Deku/Izu~Kun/Zuku),Bakugo Katsuki(Kacchan/Katsu~Kun/Suki),Todoroki Shoto(Sho Sho~Kun/Todo),Kirishima Eijro(Red Riot~Kun/Kiri),and Denki Kaminari(Pikachu~Kun/Denks)

Sorry about all the quirks idk when the next thing will be out but I hope you enjoyed learning about yourself peace


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