Beaver? {Edited}

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Annastia's Point of View

All the valets rushed towards the 2 cars. Out of the first car driver seat came out a boy about the age of 15-16 and he was pretty good-looking and somehow looked very similar to someone I couldn't quite place.

He had platinum blonde hair and wore Raybans which covered half of his angular face. From the passenger side, the valet's helped out a girl about the same age. She looked exactly like the boy except she had brunette tips on her hair.

She- they were wearing very stylish clothes that looked like they belonged on the runway.

The girl wore blue ripped jeans, a black tank top with a gorgeous shrug, and boots. Somehow that simple outfit was enough to garner the looks of everyone around. She had sunglasses on her face so I couldn't quite see the color of their eyes but if her face was anything to go by, she definitely looked like a teen model.

The guy was wearing black jeans, and a grey t-shirt, and had a leather jacket slung over his arm.

 The girl turned towards one of the valets and pointed toward the back of the car and said something.

Out of the next car's passenger seat came out a boy about 14 or something simple looking blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He had tousled platinum blonde hair with steaks of dark brown and was also wearing sunglasses. What was with these people wearing sunglasses? I get that it is sunny but seriously?

Out of the driver's seat, the valet helped a manicured hand and came out a beautiful woman wearing a navy blue dress. She came out and pointed towards the booth of the car and gave a valet with the car keys.

When she turned towards us I gasped.

It was Beaver? 

How in the name of god was this possible? Bucktooth beaver with frizzy hair into this lady with brunette curls.

The 4 of them started walking towards us with no emotion. Like literally there was no emotion not a hint of emotion on their faces. This could not be. No, I refuse to believe it. She can't be Hermione Granger nope nope nope.

They didn't walk. They practically strutted.

As they came within 5 feet, they paused and Hermione removed her sunglasses and smiled at all of us, and said, "Hello everyone, It's been a long time."

At this point everyone other than her parents were gaping at her.

"Pardon me, let me introduce you to my children," She said pointing toward the three people behind her who were looking at us with impassive faces.

"This is Scorpius, my oldest, his twin Aquata who are both 16, and my youngest Caelum who is 14."

I was beyond shocked. She had children? Who were that old? I tried to calculate their ages. If the oldest 2 were 16 then, good gods, she must have been 19 when she had them. Apparently, my aunt Eriet also came to the same conclusion because she walks over to Hermione and practically screamed at her.

"How dare you have children out of wedlock. You have brought such shame to our family. Not only do Richard and Jean adopt you, but you throw away their generosity by doing this?"

She raises her right hand and is about to slap her face when a pale yet strong arm stops her midway.

The owner of the hand was Hermione's daughter.

Aquata, I think is her name. Good god. Does she not know who Aunt Eriet is?

The girl- Aquate glares at my aunt and let me say that glare was enough to send shivers down my spine. 

There was absolutely no doubt that she was angry. Her face was utterly blank but her eyes. Dear lord her eyes. They looked cold enough to freeze the Thames Lake. She continued to stare at her, her body emitting a lethal aura.

 My aunt looked very shocked that someone would do anything to her.

Then Beaver's daughter said, "This will be your first and last warning so take caution and listen. If you ever insult my mother again, may Merlin have mercy on you because I won't. Oh, and by the way, my mother didn't have us out of wedlock, not that it would matter. She has been married for the past 18 years."

My aunt's eyes widened and mini beaver held her mother's hand to show 2 beautiful rings.

 My aunt's eyes widened and mini beaver held her mother's hand to show 2 beautiful rings

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I didn't know how I didn't faint in utter shock at today's events

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I didn't know how I didn't faint in utter shock at today's events. Not only is my least favorite cousin married to a rich guy, but she also has 3 kids who looked like they walked off the latest cover of Vogue. Her sons both wore menacing expressions on their faces but didn't say a word as they continued to stare at Aunt Eriet. Obviously, they didn't appreciate their mother being insulted.

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